Tuesday 17 May 2011

Yes, It's Jedward.

Cheeky Irish 'singing sensation' twins Jedward have just been in the news again, as having (unsucessfully) represented Ireland at the recent Eurovision Song Contest in Germany.

They are very annoying, but vaguely amusing, teenagers, who have always found it surprisingly difficult to hit a correct musical note... but why let that get in the way of success!

In case you're not aware, their name comes from combining the J from John, with Edward (their given names)... Thank goodness their parents didn't name them Peter and Rick.

I have a feeling that these boys will go far; probably in the realm of comedy related TV. Not in singing!!

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  1. I am absolutely flummoxed by their motivation to look the way that they do. Isn't the main goal when you're that age trying to look cool in the brave attempt to have lots of fumbly teenage sex?

  2. Lovelygrey; I suppose that if you're a fan, that's the coolest look on earth!

  3. Peter and Rick! There is some good you tube video footage of one of them falling over on stage if you're interested. I had to look them up, because some young people were taking the piss out of me during a bad-hair day and calling me Jedward, a few months ago.

  4. Just watched the video. Amazing that they managed to find 4 girlie dancers of equal talent to themselves! It just gets better.

  5. Hello:
    Jedward.....no, not the singing, not the comedy, not even a cult teenage movement.....just a hairstyle. Well, Vidal Sassoon started right there!!

  6. They do look annoying as hell, but who knows? What if they become the next Bee Gees or something? They have great hair potential, just right now they are making baaaaad decisions with gel.

  7. It's the boundless energy that drives me nuts!! I had to go for a lie down after their Eurovision performance because they wore me out just looking at em!! Their song was the most catchy in the whole shoddy lot of them tho..... da da dum da da dum!! hehee...

  8. I find them vaguely irritating...like 2 small kids that come from a set of modern parents who let them run riot
