Wednesday 18 May 2011

Haddock's Comes Alive.

The two month drought has meant that Haddock's has been somewhat neglected this year. However things are now changing.

The artichokes are going crazy. This one plant, by the side of my compost heap, already has about 10 edible heads. I'll have to have a big artichoke lunch. We have about 8 large plants in all.

The small tomato plants are still behind their protective tiles. When newly planted the heat of the sun can kill them off, so I take precautions. The tiles also protect from sudden hail storms, etc. As usual I've put in Marmande, Roma, and a whopping Portugese variety; the Cherry toms just self-sow.

The onions, carrots, dwarf beans, aubergines, peppers, courgettes, butternuts, and broccoli plants are all doing well, but being 'one-armed' has meant I'm a bit behind with planting out the sprouts, cavolo nero, kale, and swiss chard. There's plenty of time, and they're all in good sized pots, so not a problem. I've also popped in a few salads that were kindly donated by my friend José.

Not a bad spot for a little veg' patch is it?
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  1. Wonderful - makes me realise how much I miss our old garden. Still life changes - hope the arm is better soon.

  2. Beautfiul! I love a garden at any stage. Wow the artichokes are going crazy. I never heard how Monty was, hopefully you'll give me good news?

  3. Actually that message was from Linda!

  4. Hello JimLinda. Monty's over his mouth problems, albiet with a considerably shorter tongue. He's now suddenly sprouted two half-tennis-ball sized lumps on his body. The vet' thinks it could be horse-fly stings; Lady M is more pessimistic. We'll see.

    Poor Monty; and still only 5 months old.

  5. Hello:
    What a wonderful position for a kitchen garden. We should probably spend all of our time gazing at the view rather than actually getting down to work. We love the arrangement of the tiles against the tomato plants - practical, yes, but also delightfully mediaeval in appearance.

    Artichokes for lunch! May we join you?!!

  6. H. After I'd written the above, I returned to Haddock's and picked all that were of a good size..... we ate the lot!

  7. You are quite something for a one-armed farmer Cro!
    I'm quite jealous.
    I think we have been having all of your share of the rain here...It's been going on so long, I'm contemplating building an Ark!
    Artichoke are my fav!

  8. What a lovely view you have to rest your eyes on while working.

  9. What do you do to keep the rabbits off? MOH has been ranting about them eating the tops off the onions and tomatoes!!

  10. Sue we have no rabbits, just hares, deer, and wild boar. The deer are the worst; I really must buy some fencing.

  11. What a beautiful view you have while working on the garden. That spot is perfectly ideal.

  12. Beautiful. It makes me want to dig up a new garden. I used to have one years ago, but filled it in with grass about five years ago. You're making me miss it.

  13. Wow, that is an impressive list of veg! Artichokes dipped in fabulous French butter and a glass of good wine. I'm drooling.

  14. Your veg patch is coming on a treat, I like the idea of putting tiles to protect the tomato plants.
