Monday 16 May 2011

Horses, horses everywhere...

Once a year (yesterday), the good people of our area are invited to tour the more remote and/or beautiful parts of the village on foot, on bicycle, on stupid quads, or on horseback. Thankfully, this year, most of the quads-bikers stayed at home.

The route takes them behind our house, past Haddock's (you can just see my artichokes, vines, and toms above), and off into the woods on a 24 km hike.

I would estimate that about 100 horses went by; mostly with girlies aboard, mostly not wearing hard-hats. (this bunch above all shouted 'fromage' when they saw me taking their picture)

I'm still resting a very painful torn ligament, so the only sunday activity in which I personally took part, was bellowing instructions to Lady M on how to clean the pool. Well, someone's got to do it, and she did a very good job.

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  1. would like to have been there to hear you fussing at Lady M, I'm sure that was more fun than the horses! We've tried some artichokes this year, hope they do well. Continue healing.

  2. Hello:
    Being rather myopic we have had difficulty in seeing your vegetables. We have seen what looked like horses though.

    Not such a brilliant day for Lady M. We hope that she enjoys swimming to make all the effort worthwhile.

  3. Girls on horseback.... sigh....

  4. Take care and heal well (as much for her ladyship as for yourself).

  5. I guess you have some free fertilizer for the garden now. Win!

  6. Fun! Sending good thoughts for the arm. x

  7. The ground around you looks very dry, Cro! Your artichokes, toms and vines look as if they're all taking it in their stride. Hope you get some rain soon and take care of that arm too.

  8. Lucky you -- horses on parade! Hoping for a quick recovery in the torn ligament department.
