Sunday 15 May 2011

Peenk Peexy.

My friend Philippe, who is a professional gardener and plantsman, gave me this rose about 6 years ago. It grows down by the pool pump-house, so I'm seeing quite a lot of it at the moment.

When I asked for its name, I was told it was called 'Peenk Peexy' (Pink Pixie).

Some years later I was telling him how well his Pink Pixie was doing, and he said he'd never heard of a rose called Peenk Peexy.

'Well', I replied 'It was YOU who told me its name'.

'We gardeners make theengs up' he replied. My faith in plantsmen has all but gone, but not in the Peenk Peexy.

 (If anyone now tells me that its name really is Pink Pixy; I shall spit)
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  1. Lol a rose is a rose by any other name.

  2. Hello:
    If in doubt, then make it up. Think back to how satisfied you must have been to have had a name for the rose at the time when you were told it was Pink Pixie. You have, after all, remembered it which, to be honest in our experience, very few do when given a plant name.

  3. Actually, it's real name is Rosa Peenkium Pixus.

  4. No it's not - it's 'Black Narcissus'.

  5. Thanks Sue. You see, all those years studying dog Latin has finally paid off.

  6. It's very pretty and probably makes all those trips to the pump house more bearable. Actually I think Pink Pixie is a sweet name for it.

  7. I admired a rose in a French garden and was told that it was called, 'Penny Lopie' It took a while for it to dawn on me that the rose was 'Penelope'!

  8. Nice! Hope your arm is better Cro.

  9. Tis a very preety peenk peexy - whatever it may be!!

  10. A delightful rose whatever its name is. Ours have all but finished for the season.

  11. You should call it "Cro's Rose". Give everyone cuttings and you will have a place in the village long after you are gone! A rare "found" rose, indeed.
