Thursday 19 May 2011

Squeeky Clean Pool.

When we opened the pool this year, not only was I slightly (totally) incapacitated, but the water was also pretty filthy. However, I never really worry about such things; they're usually soon fixed.
Much more important was the fact that some bloody mouse had taken up residency in the electrical control box, and effed-up the works. But Bertrand, my electrician, soon had it all working again.

The flagstone area around the pool (amusingly know as 'the beach') is always dirty and stained after its winter sojourn spent under the tarpaulin, but this is also soon remedied with copious amounts of diluted bleach and a stiff brush.

The water itself receives a massive shock of fast-disolving chlorine, which makes it instantly sparkle again. It's just a shame there isn't something I could do to raise the temperature of the water; even after all this hot weather, it's still only 20 C . Kettles of boiling water perhaps?

In my present condition it (unfortunately) fell to Lady M, this year, to vacuum the bottom, and brush any green algae from the sides; both of which she did perfectly.

By the way; that's my studio behind the table and chairs. Well, some of us have to work hard!

I'll have my Pimms now please nurse.

p.s. I wonder if there's an olympic swimming category for one-armed breaststroke; I'm getting quite good at it!

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  1. I'm so jealous of your pool. When the weather gets really hot I just have to get Paul to throw buckets of water over me. Not quite the same (although I don't get any algae).

  2. Hello:
    Your pool looks vast and very, very blue. Is this really yours, or is it a picture taken at some luxury hotel on the Costa too Much with the sunbeds, and the German towels bagging them, airbrushed out?

    We do hope that the water soon warms up for your first dip of the year.

  3. Hmm! mice troubles - one shredded my only toilet roll for nest material when I was wilderness hiking once. Since then I've been all too aware of their destructive powers. Love the pool and the studio which are reinforcing my idea to retire to France when I give up work.

  4. H. It's actually quite small; just 9 by 4 metres. I had my first one-armed swim yesterday.

  5. You need a cool, marble portico round that, Cro. Let me know, and I'll come and oversee the work from a deck-chair on the 'beach'. Not too much ice in my Pimms, please.

  6. I bet your pool isn't as cold as the sea here in Brighton. I have seen a few brave (or mad) people swimming already this year, but generally it doesn't warm up until the summers over.
    Gorgeous pool though....

  7. What's the hold up on that arm mending?
    Cro you live in such a beautiful place.

  8. CCC. I too have homes in Brighton (which I never visit), and, as you know quite well, there are a bunch of loonies who swim there every day of the year. I'll take my pool any day!

  9. we have a 4inch pond willed with ducks

  10. I am now suffering from a severe case of pool envy.

  11. I bet Monty is ready to jump in there too. My sister has a black lab that can't refuse any amount of water. Water=jump

  12. Amy, our pool has a 'liner', so dog's claws are banned. I'm sure he won't be able to resist at some time or other.... we'll just have to be on our guard.

  13. So, is the damaged arm the one you paint with?

    Surely such gorgeous scenery will soon restore you to your best fighting form.

  14. Beautiful pool - must be fantastic to dip a toe at will...hope your arm gets better soon :) Mmmm Pimms..... as if I need another distraction!!

  15. how about one of those floaty things and then you don't have to use your arms at all? And get one with a cup holder for the Pimms!

  16. What a heavenly place for a studio - I wouldn't get much work done if I lived there!
