Tuesday 28 September 2010

Praying Mantis.

I came across this lovely chap when I was gathering apples. It looks as if he or she had also been tucking-in; I've not seen a bigger belly on a Mantis.

A couple of weeks back, one flew up from the grass and landed on my face. They really are beautiful insects, I can see why children keep them as pets.

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  1. Even though she creeps me out BIG TIME I can see what a good addition she is to your garden. She's probably eaten a million pests that would have munched up your leaves all summer.

    One time I saw with anguish that I had a horned worm infestation on a tomato plant. Half an hour later and they were all gone. A fat cardinal was sitting on the fence chirping away happily.

  2. Cro, you're the third person now I've talked to who has come across a praying mantis. Someone in Devon said recently that she found one in her garden. I've never seen one. Are they vicious? They are amazing to look at.

  3. I came face to face with one in the shower a couple of years ago. He was clinging to the shower curtain. I'm not sure who screamed the loudest!

  4. He's so handsome. We rarely see them here.

  5. He looks like he's plotting. Like he has a cunning plan...
