Monday 27 September 2010

Yum but Yuk.

I spotted this extraordinary tower en route to pick up Lady M at the airport last week. It sits in an open field, about 20 metres apart from a very simple cottage.

The roof is made up of 4 separate pointed roofs; each is triangular, and each is topped by a beautifully carved stone pinacle. Somehow they all manage to meet up in the middle. The woodwork beneath the tiles must have been a nightmare to assemble, and I can only imagine that it was created by a 'charpentier' as an advertisment for his undoubted skills.

Unfortunately the present owners have rather spoilt things with their over-eager-restoration. The two add-on wings look totally incongruous, and the stick-on faux-stone exterior makes me almost want to vomit. As for the artificially mottled industrial tiles; one can see at once that they are WRONG (they only had to look at the existing tiles to see what type to use).

Thank goodness they didn't touch that wonderful roof. Do click on the picture to enlarge; it's worth it!

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  1. What a fascinating little building. You're right though, the wings are just WRONG. I can't begin to imagine what the roof space is like inside. Are you going to work on your roof this week?

  2. Its wonderful, I wonder if I could get my Manly Man to build me a tower?????? He's a sucker for my brown puppy dog eyes....

  3. Sue, I'm off in about 10 mins to fetch the boards for the ceiling. After that it's just a question of ordering the hand-made tiles, getting the roof timbers, having a few dry days, and feeling fit! But as I keep saying, there's no rush.

  4. Yes, those extensions have ruined it, but I suppose they could be pulled off without too much trouble.

  5. Would you pop down and give me a hand?

  6. Those additions do look pretty awkward—they're not even level with each other. Plus it looks like someone dripped huge globs of plaster all down the front. But I like the little roofs and their spires.

    It would be fun to go in there and see the layout.

  7. I think you and Tom should sneak over one night and pull them off.

  8. Then remove the extensions, Willow?
