Wednesday 29 September 2010


We all love compliments; writer Amy Saia just recieved one for her 'Best Opening Paragraph', and was thrilled. I would have been too.

Just a few words of encouragement or praise can make one's whole life, or life's-work, seem worthwhile. They cost nothing to offer, and who cares if they're occasionally slightly exaggerated. However and whenever they come, they are essential to our feelings of self-worth.

Personally I've received very few compliments in my life, but the few that I have received linger on in my mental feel-good-tray. Someone once told me that I had 'nice hands'. At the time I think she was right, but now that they're old, wrinkled, and over-used, the memory of those few kind words is somehow very important. At college I was awarded a 1st Class Honours degree, which was probably my most welcome compliment; even if a little bureaucratic. I think there might have been one or two others, but basically that's it!

The reason why I'm writing about 'compliments' is that I've just noticed that January 28th is 'National Compliment Day'. Who the hell dreams up these ridiculous ideas (exactly a week ago was World Car Free Day).... and does anyone give a damn? Compliments should be handed out as often as possible, not just on a pre-ordained date; especially to children who thrive on such things.

When I left college, my father asked 'Did they give you a bit of paper?'. I replied 'Yes!'. He said 'Jolly good', and that was it! As far as he was capable, that was probably meant to be a compliment.


  1. It's a bit late, I know (about 40 years) but may I say that beret really suits you.

  2. And this really is a most excellent blog site...

  3. The sad part Cro, is that we all think nice things about others, we just forget to let that nice thing come walking out of our mouths! Interesting that we don't shut up when we think something that just has to find a voice.
    I'm with you, compliments are important and so...I look forward to reading your posts every day. They are interesting, informative and genuinely entertaining.

  4. Why thank-ee, thank-ee, kind lady (do I really have to go on like this).

  5. You're the best, Cro. We live for them, don't we?

  6. It's true, we should all compliment each other more, and if anyone deserves praise, it's you. You're a great friend, you're kind, very talented, funny! I could keep going . . . your new pictures are fantastic. It's a real joy to have you as a friend.

  7. I'm beginning to regret this post!

  8. Cro, I bet a lot of people just haven't told you. And by the way-your beard is most excellent! My husband has one and I won't let him shave it off. He looks so cute and so do you. I have to tell you something about your post with the 2 women. My sister has driven me nuts asking me that my whole life. Finally a few years back she told me that she got pay back. Now her husband asks her if he looks fat in something all the time and he is a skinny twig (which she's always been fighting for the trim look). It makes her so mad and I just laugh....ha ha.

  9. I was away for the weekend with 5 women and we had a long conversation about compliments. I take hundreds of photos, always trying to get a perfect shot of someone. I got a great shot of my friend and when i showed everyone, I told them I was trying to capture in the photo how gorgeous her lips and skin were. She actually got tearful and said no-one ever complimented her and she was a bit overwhelmed by it.

    Women are particularly good at the false compliment and the back handed one.

  10. I dunno Cro. This blog is just "okay", you know, rather mediocre, never anything really very interesting.

    (Uh huh -- that's why I keep returning to it day after day!)

  11. Are you fishing today Cro? Truth is we all think you're great and fantastic. You write brilliant blogs. Yes, honest you do and I think you're beret 's very chic!!

  12. Hi Cro,I am married to a man that was never ever given a compliment,no parent ever watched his sporting achievements or school assemblies etc,when we met he thought he had come into a family that was sort of like a magpies nest never any silence and non stop small talk,in all that talk I only ever learned that I had awfully fine hair( meaning hard to manage) big legs for a young girl,I could go on and on...we decided before we got married or even thought of children that we would tell them all the days of their lives how wonderful they are and how proud we are of them and we have done that and now its the grandchildren for what a great worm they have caught to anything yet nothing in particular.This was a great post, please don't regret it,you have probably reminded many of the importance of something that should come natural and prompted many to do something about it today.For me personally you reminded me that my 7 year old grandaughter told me she would always remember me because I smile a lot and she loves my hair..she is the best!!! lol.Thanks Cro from me for the little bits of France you share and the amazing job you are doing of your building I have to say I am in awe of your work.Carole.

  13. Carole. If you weren't already married....

  14. Just think, if I had not attended this ball
    I would not have stumbled across you.I'm am very taken with charm and you exude lots.I like your bit of paper story. I was not even asked and did not have expectations of being asked. I
    think it was good. No family was up to you... do or die approach! Of course at this age I suspect that the mortality rate was quite high.That aspect never occured to me at the time or probably my family having been brought up in the same ranks. I'll be back with more chat and compliments.
    You look a bit dishy!
