Saturday 5 October 2024



Since we returned from our Summer sojourn in France, I haven't once worn my waterproof Barbour, or my gumboots.

Yes, it has rained; but sensibly. It has lightly rained at night, in the early mornings, and occasionally in the late afternoons. Never when we actually need to go out.

However, I keep seeing news reports of torrential rain, flooding, and rivers breaking their banks. Many parts of Britain have had more than their fair share. 

Generally speaking, the south of the country will have the better weather. But I think that here on the south coast we are slightly protected by The South Downs. Often they will have inclement weather on the north side of the Downs, whilst here on the south side we may even have sunshine. 

I don't particularly dislike rain as long as I'm well protected. Umbrellas are useless here, as rain is usually accompanied by wind. The best protection are gumboots, a pukka raincoat, and a sou'wester. As long as no water can penetrate, then there is no need to worry. It's all a matter of being well prepared.

Talking of which, I really must buy myself a well-fitting, comfortable, not-too-silly-looking RAIN HAT. Then they can throw at me what they will.


  1. All rain should be at night. It can water our plants, fill our dams without being annoying and send us to sleep with a pitter-patter on the roof.
    Wouldn't it be nice.
    We are still waiting for decent rain. The ground is hard and dry and brown. Good weather still though for coffee drinking and people watching

    1. It's been remarkably dry here. Even when the Meteo has announced day-long ran; it hasn't!

  2. We had rain today but it held off until my washing was dry and we needed it anyway for the garden.

    1. That sounds perfect. We need a 'switch' to turn the rain on and off for when we need it.

  3. Our forecast keeps threatening rain at the moment but it seems to swerve around us and head across the Irish Sea. I'm sure that won't last long though.

    1. That sounds like here, we've had several rain warnings recently; but nothing.

  4. England is a green and pleasant land. Just like The Emerald Isle, it requires rain to achieve that natural aesthetic. By the way, the average annual rainfall in London is 23 inches but in Miami, Florida it's 62 inches - nearly three times as much.

    1. Where we live in France, it is very green and lush. I often say to visitors, if they want to know what the weather's like, just look around you. Paris also has more rain than London, but no-one mentions it.

  5. It's throwing it down here in the Emerald Isle.

    1. Quite sunny here, and 13 C. It should reach 15 C by lunchtime.

  6. Or learn to dance in the rain. I read someplace, "some people walk in the rain, some just get wet." Embrace the rain in life.

    1. I love to look at really heavy rain, and storms, from our covered outdoor room (in France). Thunder, lightning, and rain, is the best free show around.

  7. Our roads have been flooded. We decided to turn round rather than attempt to drive through. Not so the little sports car on the other side. With such a low undercarriage of course they got stuck. You live and learn.

    1. But some live, and don't learn. They'll know better next time!

  8. Lately our rain has been light. Things are very dry. The leaves should be gold, orange and red but due to lack of rain the color is dull.
    I love my Barbour coats that have hoods with visors. They do keep the dampness out.

    1. My Barbour had a detachable hood which has become lost. I need to find a replacement.


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