Tuesday 13 August 2024

What happened to Respect.


When I was young we respected those 'in authority'; especially our Teachers and the Police.

These days, sadly, both these occupations are viewed very differently.

It is not uncommon to hear of Teachers being verbally and/or physically abused in our State Schools, leading to many leaving the profession. This abuse at an early age then seems to lead naturally to a lack of respect for authority in general; ending with the behaviour that we've recently seen by rioting thugs on our streets.

The Police who were defending Muslims, Mosques, and properties from the stone throwing mobs (above), then became targets themselves, with people of all ages throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails at them, as if they were the subject of their original anger. One child of 12 has already been prosecuted!!

There really is no excuse for such behaviour, but the origins begin at home, and at school, where discipline has been outlawed by the trendy liberal woke brigade. A parent can be prosecuted these days for giving a child a smack on the back of the legs. No discipline at home means no discipline in later life.

But, as all Brit's are aware, it's not only Teachers and Police who are the target of hatred on our streets, Fireman and Ambulance drivers often come under attack when they attend emergencies.

It's difficult to comprehend what goes through the minds of such hooligans, but I suppose it's no different to the terraces at Football matches, or outside bars on the 'Costas' in Spain. There is an inbuilt violence inside many people that they simply cannot wait to externalise.

I'm pleased to see that Sir Keir Starmer is coming down hard on these thugs, and they're appearing in court very quickly. I just hope he comes down equally hard on those criminals who have prompted the troubles, and not simply let them go free, as he did with the 50 Jamaican criminals that he saved from deportation back in 2020.

I'm afraid that our Police need to be tougher. We need Water Cannons, Zero tolerance, and 100% consistency. What we don't need is a brutal force such as the French CRS, but if this goes on I expect that's what we'll eventually end-up with.


  1. My internet connection is almost at zero, so please forgive me if I don't reply to your comments.

  2. Teaching in Thailand was vastly different from the north end of Sheffield. In Bangkok, children were happy, compliant, respectful and ready to learn. With many children at my last Sheffield school, teachers had to battle to keep on top. Lots of the boys and girls came to school without a school bag or even a pen to write with. Once again, I must say that I have no idea what you mean by "the trendy liberal woke brigade". Perhaps I am one of them - but I do not remember signing up.

    1. The 'trendy liberal woke brigade' are those who go against all established ways, and end-up making a mess of things. I think the anti-school-discipline mob are probably the best example of the ilk. I always taught in the private sector, where any such nonsense was laughed at. At the schools where I taught, both pupils and teachers were always treated with respect (as they were probably taught at home). Getting back to the status quo in the state system, is now nigh-on impossible.

  3. "Come down hard on them..." - yes, we all remember how the police and 'two tier Keir' came down hard on the BLM demonstrators who threw the Coulston statue into the water in Bristol, and how they have come down hard on the Just Stop Oil demonstrators blocking ambulances.....
    Is it any wonder that respect is in short supply when we have such blatant favouritism of certain kinds of demonstrators, what happened to without fear or favour?

    1. I think the 'two tier policing' is slightly over hyped, but there is no question that it exists. In Bristol they could have held a vote about the statue, and no doubt people would have voted to remove it. Things should be done correctly.

    2. I personally am disgusted with a British prime minister so blatantly defending the wanton violence of the BLM demonstrators by 'taking the knee'. He was already leader of the opposition and a potential future PM, he really should have had more sense and discretion.

    3. I must say that I laughed when I saw that photo of Starmer and Rayner down on one knee. Knee-jerk reaction in its purest form.

  4. Notice the thugs are 90% males

  5. I'm amazed that those cases made it to sentencing so quickly.

    When the Pro Palestine disrupters be arrested, tried, and sentenced?

    I mean they met up on a regular basis, block streets, threaten people, and make a lot of noice.

    1. This is what's now called 'Two Tier Policing'. One rule for a certain section of society (that you don't want to upset), and another for the 'Right Wing Thugs'.

  6. I feared the police
    Some people fear no one, they have lives that support that

    1. I have always been a law-abiding citizen, because I was taught not to behave otherwise. Therefore I respect and support our police.

  7. I am fine with peaceful protest but street violence is damaging and nothing good comes from it.

    1. Peaceful Protest is a human right, and must never be outlawed, but street rioting must always be stamped-out in as forceful a way as possible, whenever it appears.
