Wednesday 14 August 2024


Kimbo is now back in Blighty. Like us, he decided to split his journey home, and stay overnight in a hotel in Orléans. Although the way he does things, and the way I do things, couldn't be further apart.

Here he is reading Le Figaro yesterday morning, and enjoying a simple French breakfast in his rather fancy hotel.

I don't know the name of his hotel, but it's a very different tasse de thé than the one we stay in. Ours is a cheapish chain hotel, and although we HAVE several times, you really wouldn't want to eat in their restaurant. However, breakfast is always OK.

On the plus side, Billy is welcome, and sleeps on the floor in our room, and we have now managed to locate the hotel quite easily (it's hidden away). It has a pleasant outdoor bar, and the beds are comfortable. It also has a secure parking area. I suppose we must have stayed there about 8 times.

If we could find a better, easily located hotel, somewhere else (not too expensive), I think our loyalty would be tested. But until that time we'll continue to stay where we do. Orléans is about half way between our home and the north coast ferry.



  1. Kimbo is clearly a man with sophisticated tastes and standards. He must have inherited such traits from his mother.

    1. He inherited his good taste from me, but not his spending habits!!!

  2. I'd stick with the one you already know so well and have worked out how to find. It gets to be a bit overwhelming when you get to a certain age finding something to suit all your needs.
    We've had quite a few 'adventures' finding hotels and now stick to what and where we know.
    Kimbo's hotel I'm sure meets his needs and pocket but does he have a Billy?

    1. No, no dog. We don't have the same fancy Sat-Nav as he has either, so finding our way to places is usually hit-n-miss. I think you're right, we'll stick with our lesser hotel.

  3. This looks like a very nicely appointed hotel. A splurge is always enjoyable.

    1. It looks very comfortable. My budget is more modest.

  4. In the years when I 'commuted' to the Poitou-Charentes from Scotland I stayed in a wide variety of hotels and hostelries. Generally my experience was that the cheaper chain hotels had the best bedrooms and morning breakfast coffee in huge 'cups'. They were sometimes a good hike from decent evening meal though.

    1. That describes the one we stay in perfectly. Serviceable, but no refinement.

  5. I don’t know £119 a night doesn’t seem that expensive to me

    1. Where does the £119 come from? I think our cheepo hotel is about that, and Kimbo's must be treble.

    2. Come from the hotel’s website. For example a double superior room can be had for €141 on 24th September and a double classic for €118

  6. I would be on your side of the monetary fence, my love. With dog as well. :)

    1. I've never been one for flamboyance, and Billy is happy wherever he is.

    2. Flamboyance may draw attention to what looks like an easy mark. I don't mind being incognito.

  7. The older I get, the nicer the hotels need to be

  8. I don't like the look of the weird china at Kimbo's hotel. Give me "normal" round, flat plates any day and the cups don't look user friendly.

    1. That is typically French. They think that if something is a silly shape, it's 'modern'. They think the same about buildings.

  9. Kimbo seems to be frightfully he an international drug runner or something?
