Saturday 27 July 2024

Snake Oil.


Anyone who has read Solzhenitsyn's 'Cancer Ward' will probably remember the desperate search for a miracle cure amongst the Cancer sufferers in that dire crumbling Soviet hospital.

They become focused on 'The Root from Issyk-Kul', and were prepared to do almost anything to obtain some.

I remember, when I read the book in my youth, thinking of the futility of such quackery. People so desperate that they will believe that almost any crack-pot tincture might heal them. Surely, if such a potion existed, it would have been known to the medical world.

But such dreams are not limited to Stalin's cruel Soviet Russia. I myself have recently been looking around for a miracle cure for 'pain'; and chanced upon a cream that promised everything I dreamed of. Of course 99% of me didn't believe a word of it, but my irrational belief in miracles still led me to fork-out over £50 for something that intrinsically I suspected had no hope of working.

But I also have piles of other more mainstream cures that don't work either. Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen Extra Extra Extra strength, I could go on. Snake Oil sales-patter still exists, but now it's via the Mega Pharmaceutical groups. Those little white pills that we all take from time to time, may contain nothing but chalk. Who knows!

I still have a while to wait before I see my actual doctor, and I'm just hoping that he will eventually come-up trumps with a serious 'problem-solver'.

In between time, my Snake Oil has arrived via Mr Amazon, and it certainly does seem to be having some beneficial effect. I have my sister to thank for her recommendation.


  1. You have me wondering now. I don't know of any magic potion. All I can recall is mentioning that I have Hemp seed and oil daily which has many benefits but it is not a magic potion. Good luck anyway.

    1. I have just this moment applied some, and it certainly is having some effect. It's main ingredient is Hemp oil, but also contains Arnica and other oils. Any pain relief is 'magic' to me!

  2. I also really hope that the miracle oil will help you. I myself believe in such things and Docour Google is a good advisor sometimes.

    1. The cream I bought does seem to be doing some good, I can actually feel it working.

  3. 'A cured patient is a lost customer'. The pharma companies are all about profit, not cure. No wonder people look for other ways. I hope your cream continues to work.

    1. So very true. I must say that for the moment it does seem to be having some effect, of course it could all be psychosomatic.

  4. Hopefully the cream will provide some relief until you can see your doctor.

    1. Yes, but I'm still relying on getting some serious medicine.

  5. Just been reading up about hemp sounds as if it is excellent as an anti inflammatory! I will bear it in mind....let us know how it works for you. I often sing the praises of turmeric capsules...some years ago my thumb joints were becoming painful, but after a coupe of months of taking the turmeric they stopped hurting!

    1. Lady M was trying to get me to take Turmeric pills. My sister uses Hemp oil and it seems to help her.

  6. Just a little fraternal advice Cro... Don't accidentally get any of that cream on your old man as he may decide to burst forth from his hiding place zip or no zip.

    1. Thanks for that YP. I just knew you'd have some helpful advice. Old man firmly tucked away!

  7. I always google when K gets excited about some tv ad campaign. So far all the potiions have been rejected. I hope this one does bring you relief

    1. I think it is helping. Not 100% of course, but some relief.

  8. I pretty much stick with aspirin and getting up and moving for achy joints. The big pharma companies lost me a long time ago...I'm a retired nurse and have seen it all.

    1. I haven't taken actual Aspirin for years. I tend to buy those expensive packs of 'Super Pain Relief' tabs from the big makers. Of course I shouldn't, but I'm gullible along with so many others.

  9. I have found in a lot of situations , including just a headache, I have not been drinking enough water. I would try drinking 6 glasses a day for a week and see if that helps. love, B

    1. Actually my wife has been telling me this for quite a while. I do drink a lot of water, but she still thinks it's not enough.

    2. Sometimes wives do know everything . :)

  10. For my chronic back pain I live on paracetamol, eight tablets a day (on doctors orders) and the days when things are worse I use a hot water bottle to help give me more relief. It's sometimes the simplest things that work. All the miracle creams and stick on heat pads that I tried a couple of years ago came to nothing.

    if what you are using is working I would say it is a good thing ... Snake Oil or not (although it sounds to contain some good ingredients).

    1. I never really know whether things are working or not as my pain comes and goes. I really need something regular that I know I can take in an emergency. We shall see!

  11. When I twisted my ankle my holistic MD recommended arnica cream and epsom salts baths as hot as I could stand it. Tumeric pills are very good for inflammation. Many drugs are derived from plants so I am supportive of alternative meds. Some MD's are supportive, many are not.

    1. There is only 'nature' from which to make things. Everything begins with something we've dug-up, grown, or picked. The cream I'm using contains Arnica, as well as Hemp. It does seem to be doing some good.
