Sunday 28 July 2024


I'm not showing the now-famous video of the horse being whipped, as I find it tasteless and upsetting.

Animal welfare has always been an important part of my life, and I totally abhor any mistreatment of animals.

Ms Charlotte Dujardin (above) is a three-time Olympic gold medalist in Dressage; what she doesn't know about training of Dressage horses ain't worth knowing. Dressage is totally unnatural to a horse. A horse wants to graze, run, and socialise with other horses; it does NOT want to trot with its knees in the air, walk sideways and backwards, or perform tricks in a ring in front of thousands of people.

Since the recent publishing of the short 'whipping video', Ms Dujardin has stepped back from the Olympic Games in some shame; although I do think there's considerable hypocrisy involved from the horse-community. 

As with any 'performing animal' it has to be taught what the trainer wants it to do; nothing that is learned for the ring comes naturally. And we all know how performing animals are trained; with a certain amount of cajoling and pain.

Even that cute performing dog on a TV talent show has more than likely been 'encouraged' to do what it does. 

We have almost entirely got rid of performing animals in circuses, and I think it's about time we now looked at other areas. I'm sure that horses love to run fast, and point-to-pointing must be fun for them. However, steeple chasing is not. There are always accidents at 'The Grand National', and often horses are put down in situ. Those jumps are simply far too dangerous.

Animals are still being exploited everywhere, and it's about time it stopped. Maybe our new PM (Starmer) could hold back International Aid from any country that allows serious cruelty to animals. Dancing Bears, Lions in cages, chained Elephants, they should all be outlawed.

And why not start at home with the ending of all Dressage events. All they say is "Look what I've made my horse do".


  1. There have been all sorts of demands by outraged commentators calling for the removal of dressage from the Olympic games. OK . But then more calls for ending all horse events.
    As usual the internet is boiling in this latest brouhaha. It will all die down but maybe taking dressage ot of the Olympics isnt a bad idea.

    1. Running comes naturally to horses, but jumping and doing all sorts of strange high kicks doesn't. Keep horse racing on the flat, and stop everything else.

  2. I haven't looked at any of the video of the incident, I would find it too upsetting.

    1. It's not actually that bad, she doesn't exactly WHIP the horse, but even so...

  3. I don't believe for a moment the video shows a "one off" situation for Ms. Desjardins or for that matter, many other dressage trainers. It's a dark side to the sport which requires animals to be trained to behave in a manner that goes against natural instincts. You summed it up so well Cro and I do hope some changes will be made soon.

    On a positive note, yesterday I went to the pharmacy and purchased Hemp with arnica cream for my husbands sore and creaky back. After 24 hours he thinks it "might" be working. Fingers crossed for both of you.

    1. That's why I said that there was 'hypocrisy' afoot; they ALL train their horses in the same way.

      I'm sure the cream is doing some good, but not a 100% relief. My best wishes to your husband.

  4. The presence of a whip has always worried me. I have never been able to see the attraction of making a horse do something that required complete control over the poor animal, but perhaps that's the whole point - control and obedience.
    If all equine events are banned, a great number of people will be out of work - it's a large and profitable business for many.

    1. It's a huge business, but flat racing would still go ahead, and that's where the BIG money is.

  5. I love a man who espouses common sense.

    1. I hope you're talking about me?

    2. Of course, I am. Your lady is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have her. I love her for taking good care of you and making you a happy man.

    3. What a very nice person you are Gemma. Thank you from both of us. xx

  6. So many stupid "sports" in the Olympics. So many need to go and I would like them to start with anything set to music. Having horses dance to music is preposterous.

    1. The Olympics should be about running faster, jumping higher, and throwing further. Instead of which we have ridiculous so-called sports that have nothing to do with the original concept. Time for change!

  7. Here, here! Fully behind you on that one... flat racing is fine... lovely video around of a horse that unseated its rider in a crush, lead the rest of the way... evaded capture at the end and trotted straight into the winners enclosure... they had some difficulty getting it out!!
    But, it knew it had won [having got rid of the handicap on its back] and was determined to have its day!!!!

    1. What a great story. It reminds me of a 5000 metre race somewhere that had a pacemaker. He thought they were all going much too slowly so went on to win himself by half the circuit.

  8. Using animals in "sport" is wrong and it's about time we put an end to it. I agree with you 100%.

    1. If we 'domesticate' animals, we should look after them correctly. I wouldn't dream of trying to make Billy do tricks, etc.

  9. I've never been a fan of dressage and agree entirely it should be banned.

    1. On the surface it all looks very pretty and elegant, but behind it is another story altogether.
