Monday 1 July 2024

Slightly pissed-off

This electrical box has been annoying me for the past 4 or 5 years.

It was attached to the back our house to provide a temporary electrical connection to a house about 200 metres away. It was to be there for a MAXIMUM of 6 months. It's been a very long six months!

The red pipe comes from our house, into the above box, then out across a public footpath; ending-up at the man's house. It is above ground and has already caused one municipal grass-mower to nearly lose his life (having mowed over the live wires). Nothing was done. The wires were mended, and left as they were previously. A quick shrug of the shoulders, and that was that.

When we returned a couple of weeks ago, the box was exactly as you see it above. The door was open, plants were growing inside, and it all looked a bit of a mess. I looked inside and saw that the spinning meter-reading disc was not moving; and hasn't moved since. I have to presume that, without having said anything, the man has since got himself a permanent connection somewhere else, and has simply abandoned the bloody box and wires behind our house.

I had a word with the Mayor; he wasn't interested. No-one seems bothered that it's still there with live wires in it. I've even been told NOT to touch it.

How long do you think I'll have to wait before anyone comes to remove it? We've just had about 100 horses and riders passing by yesterday; I was hoping they'd do the job for me, sadly they didn't!!!

My telephone/internet cable had been left lying on the ground for the past few years. They put in a new post, but forgot to attach the wires to it. I've now done it for them. That's one problem solved; now for the bloody electrical box!

I ain't holding my breath.



  1. Instead of waiting for others (who are "they"?) to take action why not throw [your own] money at the problem and pay a qualified electrician to deal with it once and for all? Live wires? That's crazy and unlikely. More likely the wiring was cut off when your neighbour got his own electricity supply but nobody bothered to tidy up, leaving now dead wires and that box behind your house.


    1. It's a total mystery. I have a feeling that they have now been connected to a permanent supply (from somewhere else), but the temporary box is still live but not being used. I have been told by the Mayor's office that I must NOT touch it, as the people who installed it (EDF) will eventually come to remove it.

    2. Ursula, And why, exactly, should Cro spend any of his own money at the problem? Why do you think the wires are unlikely to be live? It must be wonderful to be as sure of oneself as you are!

  2. Live wires in the rain must give you quite a light show.

    1. When it was run-over by the mower, a couple of years ago, it was quite spectacular. They also came to fix it very quickly. I wish I could get them back again as fast.

  3. You need a french K to sit on the phone and berate them daily. It's the only way to get things done in some places. They get so sick of you they fix your problem. Still takes ages though.
    That box sounds extremely dangerous. A deadly accident in the making.

    1. I've just this moment sent an Email to the EDF asking them to remove it. I stressed how dangerous it is. It remains to be seen if they do anything.

  4. As in cricket, it is considered ungentlemanly to fiddle around with one's box. I should send a couple of photos of it to suitable people at EDF with an attached message explaining the background to the issue.

    1. That's exactly what I've just done and I've already had a reply saying they'll look into the matter. I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed!

  5. It sounds like you are doing the right things. If not electricity I would have some creative ideas involving truck loads of dirt. When I built my last house in Florida there was a telephone junction box in the wrong place, somehow it ended up buried under two feet of concrete under my driveway. (smirk) I built that house in 72 days from permit to move in.

    1. It just looks so horrible. My wife doesn't mind it, but it drives me mad. I'm hoping they'll now do something about it.

  6. We can use it , if it is live ,to start our new open air patio restaurant! One job down and umpteen to go!
    Careful though, 'til we get a man in to hook us up. ;)

    1. Where had you thought of having this bargain bistro? We might need a very long wire!

    2. Well , maybe your back acres where you hunt mushrooms,in the woods , of course.
      Short trek to work, flip the switch as you walk by the box to light up the meandering path lined with fairy lights.

  7. Is the Utility is waiting for you to hire someone to fix the problem? Can you have this fixed and submit the bill to officials for reimbursement? Take pictures of everything, before and after and submit a bill.

    1. I've taken photos, and I've sent them to them with my Emails. They can hardly ignore them. I await their response.

  8. I thought the French had rules for everything , not about electricity it would seem

    1. They didn't even care that someone was nearly KILLED!
