Sunday 30 June 2024

Please Play by the Rules.


Sir Kier Starmer (leader of UK's Socialists, and probably our next PM) seems to be guilty of hypocrisy.

Having recently talked of sending illegal immigrants back to Bangladesh, he seems to have forgotten his disgraceful involvement with a 2022 flight to Jamaica, which was sending 50 deported ex-prisoners back to their native country.

All 50 Jamaicans had served prison sentences, and all understood that they were later to be deported.

However, Sir Keir along with a rag-bag of do-gooders and minor celebs went to court and had their deportations overturned. They were then free to stay in the UK. Starmer also suggested that all the offenders received state-funded Mobile Phones to make their lives in the UK easier.

One went on to commit a second murder, along with his son (thank you Starmer). Others simply returned to their normal criminal activities of drug-dealing, burglary, etc. Sir Keir had insisted that these criminals remain in the UK, with all the consequences that that involved. No doubt he considered it their 'Human Right'.

I really don't mind who wins the upcoming election as long as they play with a straight bat, and have some consistency. We need some common sense policies when dealing with situations that involve foreign criminals, and safety on our streets. We can't have our leaders saying, one minute, that criminals should be returned to Bangladesh, but not to Jamaica. If Starmer & Co get it right, then they'll have my support, but as things are looking I don't see that happening.

If criminals have deportation attached to their prison sentence, then that's how it should be. The courts have decided; Full Stop! There should be no 'lovie' interference.

The Labour Party have constantly voted against all attempts to control illegal immigration. They really must make up their minds. This is a MAJOR issue, and I hear that the queues at Calais are growing ever bigger, awaiting Starmer's installation at No 10.

It must be said that the Tory's record on immigration has been anything but perfect, but at least they were consistent.


  1. That "Human Rights" card again. In my humble opinion, anyone convicted of a serious offence should automatically forfeit all of their "Human Rights", in particular the right to remain and resume their criminal activities in this country.
    It is about time that all of these so-called "Human Rights" lawyers started to stand up for the rights of the majority of citizens of this country to have a peaceful life free from attack from this privileged criminal class.

    1. Unfortunately, as Director of Public Prosecutions, Starmer was the No1 supporter of so called 'Human Rights'. It remains to be seen if as PM he will see things in the same light.

  2. On Thursday, the British people will boot out the Tories and a new era will begin though it won't be easy because of what has happened in the last fourteen years. Keir Starmer is a good man with a capable team around him. As always, I am happy to give The Labour Party my vote. VOTE LABOUR!

  3. I refuse to call Mr Starmer, sir.

  4. Regardless of politics and without exception, there should be a "zero tolerance for criminality." Can all agree?

    1. I would agree, but sadly we will soon have a new PM who believes otherwise. I just hope that his new role will make him see otherwise.

    2. Dream on Susan. There are criminals in all walks of life. From the petty thieves who mug people for their phones in the street, to the wheelers and dealers moving billions in stocks and shares around the world. Greed feeds corruption, it's everywhere. There aren't enough prisons to house them all.

    3. It's difficult to know which are the worse, those who steal to buy their next meal, or those who who make millions to buy their next super-yacht.

  5. I have never understood why deportation doesn't occur immediately upon release from prison. Give the convict their clothing, a passport and drive them to the first flight back to the motherland
    My country currently has a man who ran a stop sign and killed nearly an entire hockey team. Ordered to be deported after serving his time. Somehow his wife has since arrived in Canada since his trial and they now have a handicapped child (aka anchor baby) and are appealing his deportation.
    You can't make this stuff up

    1. I wonder if Sir Keir Starmer is representing him in court???
