Saturday 1 June 2024

The 'feel-good' factor.

For a country boy, born just South of London in leafy Surrey, there is nothing more beautiful in Spring that fresh new leaves.

I'm a big fan of greenery, but that particular green of new leaves makes me smile and inhale deeply. I'm certain the leaves produce therapeutic gases that hugely benefit humans; Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Nitric oxide, Nitrous oxide, etc, all change our mood. I know that when I walk through the woods, or just through the churchyard, at this time of year, it lifts my spirits instantly.

When King Charles was no more than a lowly Prince, he famously hugged trees and promoted everything to do with organic food and preserving nature. At the time he was often ridiculed for his love of nature, but these days you'd be hard-pushed to find anyone (even a woke climate-hooligan) who doesn't agree with him. He was simply ahead of his time.

At this time of year you often see people lying on the grass. I'm sure it's a natural beneficial instinct to breathe healing gasses that come from the earth; not unlike people heading for the coast to breathe ozone.

Soon that fresh new green settles into a more sedate mature green that no longer has the same effect. By Autumn we are happy to see the old leaves fall and await the new crop again.

But for the moment I'm inhaling deeply and benefitting from all that magic that comes with Spring.



  1. I like the smell of newly mown grass - that means summer to me.

    1. I think all those Spring aromas come under the same category. They simply make us feel better after a long Winter.

  2. The green at this time of year is the greenest it can be but it requires sunshine to demonstrate that fact.

    1. When I took the photo above, it was amazing. Sadly my cheap phone camera makes it look quite ordinary.

  3. I know just what you mean. I love all that greenery in winter. Maybe its just nasturtiums and clover but it fills me with joy every morning when I look out the window.
    The pumpkins are growing and hopefully we will soon have pumpkins spreading themselves over the dry soil which makes up my garden

    1. I have lots of Globe Artichokes coming, but I fear they won't be big enough to eat before we head South. My son will benefit; not me!

  4. This time last year you were back in France. Are you timing it a bit later this year so that you don't have to arrive back during the late UK Summer Bank Holiday? It must make more sense to do so.

    1. We overstayed a bit last year so we thought we'd be a bit cautious this time, and plan to return around 1st Sept. Stick to exactly 90 days.

  5. We are lucky enough to live in walking distance of Derby Arboretum.The first public park in England. We go there all year round. Love to watch the seasonal changes. All of the trees numbered and the type they are. This is a very old park, from about 1840.So the specimens are huge.

  6. Google it , Cro. Interesting.

    1. My people had a home in Shropshire that had an orchard made of ancient varieties of, mostly, Apples. All the trees had ancient lead labels saying what variety they were; very few of which I could find in books. The idiot I sold the house to ripped them all out; I could have slaughtered him!!!

  7. A very verdant time of the year.

    1. Lovely, and a gorgeously warm day here to welcome June.

  8. I like the smell of grass too, Cro, but the smell of the ocean (ozone?) is like heaven to me. I can't even explain how clean and fresh it seems. Opens up more than my lungs... something deeper.

    1. I agree, I suppose that's why we live by the sea. Even living some distance uphill from the beach we still seem to benefit from the fresh ozone air.

  9. I also love being surrounded by the green from trees and plants. It is both refreshing and invigorating. A very lovely time of the year!

    1. I am really looking forward to being back in the woods, gathering mushrooms. Only a few days to go!

    2. Me, too. You are a different soul when you are there. So free,happy is great to have you happy.
