Friday 31 May 2024

Gilbert and George.

I suppose Gilbert and George are one (two) of the UK's favourite, yet seldom mentioned, artists.

They came to prominence whilst still students with their singing of 'underneath the arches'; stood on a table with their faces painted in metallic paint. 

One rarely hears their names in everyday conversation, but they are always up there amongst the UK's best contemporary artists. Their work is bold, eye-catching, and designed to appeal to 'the masses'. They describe their work as being 'anti-elitist', and they believe in 'Art for All'; although I doubt if the 'all' could afford much of it.

Their images are large and strong. Much of it is autobiographical (as above).

They have lived in the same Spitalfields house, worn the same drab suits, and paid homage to their beloved East End, ever since they met as students. They are consistent if nothing else.

If you don't know their work, do have a look on Google Images. I do see it as 'Art for All'; it is non-confrontational, easy on the eye, and very pleasantly 'in your face'.

I have always been a very big fan!



  1. It may be Art for All but how many of us have a wall big enough to display it???

    1. Or enough money to buy it. I imagine all their work is supposed to be exhibited publicly; free of charge.

  2. No, it's not something I'd want on my wall, should I have space to display it.
    Their names ring a faint bell, but I couldn't identify any of their work.

    1. Most of their work looks quite similar to the one above.

  3. I've never heard of them. Their art grabs the eye. I can see why it appeals to the masses. I'd like to see an exhibition.

    1. Their work is very dramatic. It shouts at you.

  4. If I ever adopted two cats I had planned to call them Gilbert and George.

    1. I once had two kittens called King and Barnes, after a favourite brewery. Sadly they both came to sticky ends!

  5. Just last year, the Gilbert & George Centre was inaugurated on Heneage Street (near Aldgate East station). It features three gallery spaces.

    1. Yes, I was just reading about it. A good visit.

  6. To say that Gilbert and George appeal to the masses is a bit misleading. The sort of art that appeals to the masses is The Hay Wain by John Constable or the Mona Lisa or Monet's Water Lilies. Gilbert and George, no. They appeal to contemporary, avant garde art followers and have won prizes like the Turner Prize. The mass population do not have a good word to say about the Turner Prize, that's if they have ever heard of it.

    1. It's they THEMSELVES who say that they want their work to appeal to the masses, and not be elitist. Not me!

    2. I was responding generally and to assist the understanding of your readers.

  7. I oo am a fan. I have a small wooden 'effigy' of them on my kitchen windowsill. My Grand daughter bought it for me many years ago. It is one of my favourite things.

    1. That's nice Weave! It's good to know they're appreciated far and wide.

  8. Replies
    1. It would be a very dull world if we all liked the same things.
