Thursday 13 June 2024

Sadly, all this was predicted back in '68.

Oh dear! I've warned about all this in the past, and now coming South of The Channel, it's the main topic of conversation everywhere.

If 'middle-of-the-road' political parties don't deal with important national problems as they arise, along will come a bunch of fanatics to sort out the problem for them.  

I am now seeing that this is the case across Europe, and probably further afield; and one hears far more about it on this side of the channel, than one does in Blighty. 

The last thing we need are far right, or far left parties gaining power. Sadly it does now look as if this could happen. It's already happened in Holland with Geert Wilders, and it could very easily happen in Sweden (where it is said that there are 62,000 immigrants in Mafia style gangs), Germany, France (above), Spain, Italy, and Greece. 

And now it has happened in the recent EU elections. It really has become very serious.

We all know what people are worried about, but their concerns have come far too late. One minute the dungaree-wearing lovies were all welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms, but now that they have realised their huge mistake, they've become rather quiet.

No, it wasn't Nostradamus, but Enoch Powell who possibly over-egged his warnings back in 1968 when the UK's net-immigration was still only 5,000 pa (last year net-immigration was 685,000), but the reality has far overtaken his original concerns. Back in '68 people thought Powell was a nasty racist; even though a poll at the time suggested that 74% of the British public agreed with him. Now we all accept that he massively-under-estimated what has become a genuine problem.

There is mounting trouble everywhere. People are dissatisfied and angry, and they want to take back control of their countries. Possibly the biggest subject at the current UK Hustings, is that of immigration.

In France the extremists are creeping ever closer to defeating Macron. With the state of French society being as it is, they're bound to increase their popularity. Marine Le Pen and her radical right wing party are making huge strides. A lot of my farming neighbours, who are not at all political fanatics, see her as France's only hope.

What they imagine they could do to stem the problems, I have no idea. They might be able to control future immigration, but they can't reduce the problems that already exist. Once immigrants have settled, have children at school, and are claiming benefits, there is very little one can legally do to remove them. 

I, like so many others, have given-up trying to figure a way out. The world has already changed, and as one of Powell's constituents feared back in '68, "in 15 to 20 years time immigrants will have the upper hand"; actually, after 50 years, they now have.

If  anyone is interested in reading Powell's ACTUAL speech, and not the mischievously interpreted versions, you can read it in full here. enoch-powell_speech.pdf ( (it's quite long)

In his speech Powell made reference to Virgil's Aeneid, with 'The river Tiber foaming with much blood'. It was this short reference that caused him so much trouble. I don't think even Powell himself could ever have dreamt how serious the situation would have become after the subsequent 56 years. Knife and Machete killings, as well as shootings, have become almost a daily event in London and elsewhere; it's a sorry state. 

Anyone who was incensed by Powell's speech back in 1968 should take a long look at how his predictions developed! 


  1. Whilst at school, Enoch Powell was our Founders Day speaker one year. He was by far the best speaker in all of my and my brother's time at that school, able to hold an audience of over 600 boys and their parents spellbound for over an hour on a hot early summer morning.
    I always thought that he was much underrated as a politician. I have read that he wrote a history of the second world war very early on, and his only significant error was a failure to foresee the atomic bombs dropped on Japan.

    1. Enoch Powell and John Biffin (who I worked for briefly) were regarded as the two greatest intellectuals of The House of Commons. It's a shame that EP became a byword for 'racism'. He wasn't in the slightest racist, just a realist.

  2. I think that one of the mechanisms of ignoring what is really happening in Europe is the media's obsessive preoccupation (and the righteous people here in Belnogland) with what is happening here. As if we are the center of the world and at the same time in Europe and America such dangerous processes are happening.

    1. Most of us know what is happening, but most are afraid to face it. It will all end badly.

  3. We get our chance to vote and too often we have to choose the best of a bad bunch.
    I wonder how many people under 50 have even heard of Virgil's Aeneid.

    1. How many people under 50 even study Latin?

    2. I was one of the last year applicants to Oxford Uni for whom Latin 'O' Level was a condition of entry.

    3. I became my intake year's 'Classics Scholar' when I went up to my upper school; which surprised everyone, including myself. I managed to get 90% in my Common Entrance Latin paper. I received a small bursary which had to be spent on books. I'm still amazed to this day!

  4. With all that you have referred to, I wonder what the future holds. Turning to the extreme right wing is certainly not the answer. That way, it will all end in tears... and blood.

    1. Sadly this is what happens when governments ignore major problems.

  5. It all makes me very nervous.

    1. It's dreadful, and getting worse by the day.

  6. It's too late to turn back the clock and heed Enoch Powell's words. I don't think any political party has the faintest idea how to tackle the problem. Wasn't stopping immigration the main reason so many voted for Brexit!

    1. Exactly. Control our own borders, and STOP THE BOATS. What a mess. I wonder what Starmer will do?

  7. Britain endured two shocks: Covid pandemic and the energy crisis due to Russia-Ukraine war. Brexit also brought some economic decline. Labour is set to win the vote. People want change. Both parties state they are pro-growth and pro-business and hopefully this will fuel Britain's economy. Creating a robust workforce and full employment would be beneficial -- maybe Labour has a plan?

    1. I do hope that a lot more police on the streets is part of Labour's plan. The world is becoming lawless.

  8. As I see it, there isn't a far right or a far left. These terms have been created to divide nations and turn people against each other. One one side you have globalists who want to tear down borders and move large amounts of people, usually from poorer countries, across the world. The motivation there is money. People traffickers are being paid by governments to do this. Then there are patriots who want to protect their borders from people they would rather not live with. The incomers are given everything they need. Those who love the country they were born in are being taxed to the hilt to pay for it.

    There is a middle ground which no one talks about. I would like to see controlled immigration, where those who want to move to another country, go through a vetting process.

    Western Governments are puppets for the Globalists cabal. It's going to get a lot more messier. Our Government, whoever is in, has never had any intention of bringing the influx of immigrants to a halt.

    Labour has the same plan as the Conservatives. To do as they are told by those who have most money, the richest people on earth. It's about control.

    Thank you for posting this, Cro. Millions of people are still not getting it. Thankfully more are waking up.

    1. Your para 2 is exactly the problem, but sadly there are people on both sides of the fence who shout, but do nothing; hence the current situation. I really see no answer. We have to live with it, until it explodes.


      Migrants have been arriving at Gatwick Airport this week following the government’s offer of British Overseas Territories Citizenship, that is a British passport, to Chagossians currently living in Mauritius

    3. I wonder what the people of Crawley make of that? My father came from a small village just outside Crawley, before the 'new town' was thought of.
