Wednesday 12 June 2024


The annual Appleby Fair is now over, and all the Gypsies have gone to wherever they go (I almost wrote 'gone home').

It has to be said that their reputation for being messy, and often light-fingered, has yet again proved to be correct. I imagine they like it that way.

I remember when I was very much younger seeing an interview by the inimitable Fyfe Robertson with some Gypsies at Appleby. He asked them if it was true that they left rubbish everywhere, one Gypsy said "Yes, we do do that", then he asked if they also stole Chickens from the local farms, the Gypsy replied "Yes, we do that too". And do you break down fences in order to get your wagons onto private land? asked Robertson, "Yes, I must admit that we do that as well". Interview over. There was nothing more to ask! At least he was honest.

I wish I could find the interview on YouTube, but it's not there.



  1. It is interesting how such a "culture" is created and how it is passed from generation to generation.

    1. I've always liked Gypsies, and have had quite a close relationship with a few of them and their customs. It's just a shame that they leave such a mess everywhere they go.

  2. Ballinasloe horse fair over here in Ireland goes back hundreds of years like Appleby, and Napoleon is said to have bought his horse there. It's good to see the tradition continue.

    1. Yes, it shouldn't be stopped because of such a small matter. I did hear this year that the people of Appleby closed everything before they arrived.

  3. I bet the permanent residents of Appleby look forward to the colourful annual horse fair. A time to catch up with old friends.

    1. Like they welcome a boil on their bottoms. I believe all the shops and pubs boarded-up, and built 'defences' around their homes.

  4. An annual treat for the Appleby residents.

    1. Indeed. It's a shame they can't all gather on some open ground 'common', away from everyone. Surely it could be arranged, and they could still call it Appleby.

  5. Yet the Gypsies can't understand why they aren't welcome! They should be made to take their rubbish with them and keep their hands off things that don't belong to them!

    1. 'Habits of a lifetime'. I don't think they'll ever change.

  6. the clean-up is a version of the end of Glastonbury then?

    1. Probably not as bad as Glasto, but the Glasto mob are all young and eco-aware.

  7. What a mess! Couldn't local officials demand a clean event or no use of our property? What is the benefit of Appleby?

    1. In the UK there is one law for Gypsies, and another for everyone else. If I went around doing half what they do, I'd be arrested.

  8. Gypsies, Roma here, aren't seen much anymore around here. They have encampments around the cities which are huge trash piles. They used to go around fixing chairs, sharpening knives and selling seasonal goods. Not anymore.

    1. We have a few very rustic chairs that were re-caned by itinerant Gypsies. They did a good job too!
