Thursday 2 May 2024

This modern world

Our next door neighbour has been having some leaks through his roof recently, and his roofers suggested that it was coming from our side. They said the water was travelling sideways about 3 ft. Frankly it didn't sound too plausible to me!

So, after his concerns, we got our own roofer to come and have a look. He went up into next door's loft, into our loft, then reached for his trusty DRONE (below mid-picture).

Up it went behind our houses, and over next door's roof, sounding like a swarm of Bees. The Seagulls didn't like it, and tried to frighten it off. 

Luckily our man was able to see exactly what was wrong, and he was able to show our neighbour photos of where the problem was. It's a relief to know that his problem is nothing to do with us.

It's amazing that they now use a drone to discover such things. Ain't modern life wonderful.



  1. It's the old adage - buy cheap buy twice (or in this case more than twice!).

    1. Sadly that is so. I wouldn't employ his roofers even if they came free!

  2. Drones are becoming useful for so many things these days. The wildlife trust use them here on the nature reserve by us to check out nesting sites. And of course local estate agents use them to give viewers a picture of the locality.

    1. I was quite surprised when he said he'd use one to look at the roof, but what a good use for them.

  3. That last photo looks like the fringe of your scarf (aka 'spider') has taken off.

  4. Many estate agents here use them too. We even had the local historian visit with his drone last summer to photograph the gravestones in the memorial garden.

    1. I was amazed by the quality of the pictures. The drone was only about 8 ins square.

  5. Your roofer is well worth whatever you pay him. Using modern tech makes all the difference

    1. He was a lovely guy too. It's so nice to deal with people who are pleasant.

  6. It's very useful to be able to see the state of the roof, without having to climb a ladder and precariously totter across the tiles.
    The local council here use drones to check for any illegal building works and send one over all the neighbourhoods every so often!

    1. It's such a good use for drones. I was amazed.

  7. With roofs it can be terribly difficult to find the sources of many leaks. I am glad that Hill Bros found the source of your neighbours leak but who will be billed for this investigation?

    1. We shall be having them here in September (?) to do some work, so maybe they'll add on a few smackers.

  8. This modern world has brought technology that is amazing on the one hand, but infuriating on the other. Drones are being put to excellent use, I agree. I'm annoyed with tech at the moment because I'm being forced into having a smart elec meter, having resisted so far because of all the reports of faulty readings. (My current meter relies on the BBC signal to switch from day/night readings, but that is due to be switched off next year.)

    1. Why are you being 'forced', I thought it was voluntary. I don't want one for the same reason as your fears!

    2. Does your meter box have the words Radio Teleswitch on it? If so, yours will no longer work properly either. The BBC signal will be switched off 30 June '25, this is on Ofgem. If you don't have day/night tariffs (this house used to have storage heating at one time) then you should not be affected.

    3. I don't think we have that, but I'll have a look. I think our system is pretty basic.

  9. In answer to your last question Cro I would say 'sometimes'.

  10. Leaky roof. That's no fun. Your roofer sounds excellent and he uses the latest tech (drones) to resolve issues. Your neighbor should hire Hill to fix their leaky roof. If the roof is still under warranty, your neighbor's contractor is on the hook. Not all roofers are equal. My neighbor hired a local builder to put on a new roof and three new skylights. The skylights leaked. Under warranty, the roofer fixed the leak. I would not hire this contractor.

    1. My wife and I built an entire roof on our tower. We cut and erected all the woodwork, covered it with a waterproof membrane, and put on all the tiles. It has never leaked.

  11. Yes , cheers for the drone. Those heights aren't exactly my cup of tea.

    1. So much easier, quicker, and safer, than a ladder!

  12. I have enjoyed my time here Cro, but it is time to say goodbye, my reading list is far too long so I amd doing some weeding out.

    1. We all do that occasionally River, but you'll always be welcome should you wish to return.

  13. Awesome, although frustrating.
