Wednesday 1 May 2024

Good reasons for 'stop and search'

It goes without saying that those who are anti-Police, and therefore anti 'stop and search', are those who have the most to lose. Personally I would have nothing against being 'stopped and searched', as I have nothing to feel guilty about.

This young man, Hamza Haddadi (in the video), is a classic example. A simple search on one of London's tube stations, during which he tried to escape, revealed a huge machete beneath his coat, as well as a smaller switchblade knife in his pocket.

In parts of London, and elsewhere, this is not uncommon. Certain communities seem to have different values to the rest of us. Street fights are everyday occurrences, and immigrant gangs prowl around with impunity; armed to the teeth. I quite expect this chap got a good ticking-off, but not a lot more.

One doesn't like to tar them all with the same brush, but I prefer to tell the truth rather than hide behind trendy platitudes. Cultural integration isn't all it's cracked-up to be. 

People might say that this was an isolated incident, but sadly that isn't the case. It happens daily.

Some may remember that I spoke of a young man who was knifed to death back on Oct 5th last year, about 100 yards from our house here in Brighton. 

It has since been revealed that the victim teenager, 17 year old Mustafa Momand, owed £20,000 to his drug dealer, and paid the price. Stories circulated at the time that he was a totally innocent 'bystander'; in the wrong place at the wrong time, but we all knew better. Such stabbings usually involve gang-related drug dealing and owed money, and tend to remain within their own community. But it's shocking to know that so many of these people walk around fully armed. 

MM also had previous charges against him of drug crimes, and of carrying weapons himself; so he was no stranger to the world of crime. Sadly he paid the ultimate price, as so many do.

'Stop and Search' is essential. Don't listen to the woke brigade who will try to tell you that it's 'against their human rights'. It's actually pro the human rights of the rest of us!


  1. Within the woke world, Human Rights only ever seem to operate in one direction. Where are the lovvies jumping up and down about the Human Right to Life of the victims? Anyone who wilfully attacks and wounds/kills another, in my opinion, has forfeited any claim to their Human Rights.

    1. Even in the legal world the criminals are treated better than the victims.

  2. How can this gang knife culture be stopped? Is it even possible?

    1. I have no idea; every kitchen is full of them.

  3. Never a truer word, Cro!

  4. The England I knew has gone forever. Other western countries probably feel the same about themselves.
    P.S. I have no idea what "the woke brigade" is or even what that term means. Is it from the odious "Daily Mail"?

    1. That 'odious Daily Mail' has about 50% Labour readers. They read it (I imagine) because it delivers believable news.

    2. YP, before "woke brigade" pushed to first place as unthinking insults go, it was "snowflakes". Not that it's any consolation: Sneering sells. Once upon a time it was page Three. What Daily Fail readers don't realize that their paper of choice does just that: Fail them. Who needs conspiracy theories when the gullible, the easily lead can get "believable" prejudice in black on white? My credentials? I am the daughter of an investigative journalist when that term still stood for what it means. And boy oh boy what exciting times they were. Dynamite. Not drivel to stoke a barely viable damp smoulder of an excuse for armchair outrage.

      Cro, I fail to see relevance as to voters' political leanings and their reading the Daily Dismal. It's hardly as if critical thinking, indeed thinking for yourself, is tethered to a demographic.


    3. I peruse the DM simply because it's free online. I don't agree with much of its content; especially the very let wing reporting. Otherwise it just gives simple straightforward news. It isn't at all the extreme right-wing paper that the woke brigade suggest.

  5. Random stop and search is a necessity these days. In most countries. Here they've unearthed terrorists, stopped crime and put drug dealers in jail.

    1. They do here too, but the bleeding-heart woke brigade really don't like it.

  6. There was an incident just this morning, in Sheffield (home of Y.P.).
    A 17 year old boy attacked two adults and a child with a 'sharp object' at Birley Academy.
    He has been charged with attempted murder.

    1. And, of course, that dreadful event in Hainault yesterday, where a 14 year old boy was murdered, and others severely injured. It just goes on and on.

  7. Safety is paramount. I also like cameras and stop and search. Some schools in the US have metal detectors at entrances to prevent weapons from entering. It is a sad day when people want to walk around armed.

    1. I'm afraid that certain communities carry weapons regularly. It seems to be part of their culture.

  8. From what I've heard from friends still living in the UK, it seems that you are right Cro. I can't make any judgement because I haven't been back for about 23 years, other than overnight stays in airport hotels!

    1. It's frightening. These people are stabbing each other on a daily basis. Schoolchildren are even stabbing their teachers. It's gone crazy.

  9. We now hear that the 14 year old boy from Hainault was murdered by Brazilian/Spanish man Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo. Just so you know!
