Sunday 28 April 2024

The Paris Olympics.

Did I hear correctly? Did someone say that 'Break Dancing' was to play a part in this year's Olympic Games in Paris? Surely not!

I did also hear that Surfing, Skateboarding, and Sport Climbing will also now feature.

I'm not really all that interested in the Olympics. I had always thought of the games as being Running, Jumping, Throwing, Cycling, and Swimming, etc; events where people compete against each other to achieve faster and higher goals. I'm not sure how Break Dancing fits in with 100 Metres sprinting or Pole Vaulting.

Above are my two Aussie Grandsons contemplating their appearance in the Quarter Mile dash to McDonald's.

Let's hope they bring back a bun-shaped burger-flavoured medal.

On a very different and darker note, we're all keeping our fingers crossed (as are the French) that there won't be a repeat of the 1972 Olympics massacre in Munich, where Palestinian 'Black September' terrorists murdered athletes, and took Israelis as hostages (remind you of anything?). The French are taking the current threats extremely seriously.

It's a huge black mark on the UK's recent history that the previous leader of the UK Socialists, Jeremy Corbyn, is known for his support of terrorism (IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc), as well as his antisemitism. Corbyn (in white shirt below), is seen here praying, and wreath-laying, at the graves of the 'Black September' bosses Salah Khalaf and Atef Bseiso, who organised the 1972 Olympics terrorist attack. I believe that 11 Israeli athletes were murdered that day.

Corbyn still sits as a back-bench MP at Westminster. Shame on him!

Luckily Corbyn was replaced as Labour party leader in 2019 by his own 2015 leadership campaigner, Sir Keir Starmer. 

It will be interesting to see if Corbyn has any support for his actions. 


  1. Jeremy Corbyn's view and opinions were well known for many years, but were not considered by the Labour party hierarchy to be any impediment to his standing for leadership. Likewise, his constituency voters were well aware of the views of their MP, but continued to elect him.
    He is welcome to his views, however we should look more closely at those around him that went along with those views, including our erstwhile current Labour Party leader.

    1. The current leader was his greatest proponent for the leadership role back in 2015. One imagines that he would have agreed with all JC's opinions.

  2. I don't know much about Break Dancing but perhaps it's one of those competitions where gender doesn't matter and people can compete equally?

    1. I really know nothing about it as a sport. I've seen mostly males 'dancing', but I imagine that girls do it too. Yes it should probably be uni-sex.

  3. Wonder how long it'll be before mobile phone scrolling will become an olympic sport....

    1. It already is; just look at sports audiences everywhere. Even at Westminster.....

  4. I hope Paris decides that the opening ceremony on the river is a bit too exposed and not a good idea

  5. I could enter the Sofa Snoozing event. I am sure to win a Gold.

  6. When I read your first paragraph I thought "surely it's not April 1st!"
    The inclusion of these may be the trend of the future as less people want to participate in traditional events which involve a great deal of dedication.

    1. Tiddly-winks, kite flying, or even hopscotch? I suppose just about anything can participate.

  7. I'm really looking forward to the Paris Olympics..... I think they will do it well. I think that I heard that the opening ceremony would be on the Seine but I might have got that wrong ! As for break dancing etc, I am wondering if it's because everyone and everything now has to be inclusive, à la woke ! XXXX

    1. Yes, I heard something about the Seine too, but it sounds very dodgy; especially with the terrorism threats they've received. How would they make it secure?

  8. Mr Corbyn was never antisemitic. That accusation was vindictive mischief-making by Tories and their fawning newspapers - such as "The Daily Mail". As for the Paris Olympics, given world tensions I fear that something could go badly wrong but similar fears were around in 2012 at the time of the triumphant London Olympics.

    1. I believe that he was also a bit of a Tory! He was actually thrown out of his party for his antisemitic nastiness.

  9. Break dancing, surfing and all those other odd Olympic sports are never shown on our tv coverage.. We will be watching the classic swimming and track events. I suppose the only time something different might be covered would be if Greece won a medal. I bet they don't have live coverage though

    1. I would have thought that the Olympics would have been all over Greek TV. Ouzo swallowing, Souvlaki tossing, and Athenian moped driving, sound perfect for the next Olympics.

  10. The Olympic games seem to be taking on a new meaning. Change is inevitable. The Israel and Hamas war effort is deadlocked. Sinwar wants a permanent ceasefire; Israel only agrees to a temporary lull. A move on Rafah requires calling up more reservists and preparing a plan to evacuate 1.5m Palestinians civilians living in the city, Israel has done neither. Netanyahu does not mind the stalemate: the longer the war drags on, the longer he thinks he can avoid early elections. This deadlock means more hostages will likely die in captivity and gives Hamas more time to regroup. No sign of resolution means ongoing protest.

    1. The world is a mess. I just wish that all the world's different leaders, of all political persuasions, would simply relax and look after their own internal problems.
