Monday 29 April 2024


I just happened to notice this small packet of Oxo cubes at my supermarket recently, and it brought back memories. I had no idea they were still made, so I bought it.

When I cook green vegetables (usually Broccoli) I keep the cooking water and often make myself a hot drink mixed with either Marmite or Bovril. This may sound a bit strange to many, but I don't like to throw away all that vitamin packed cooking water (vegetable stock).

Oxo cubes are funny little square cubes of Beef flavoured compressed powdery 'something-or-other'. They crumble when squeezed. They also melt into hot water very easily. I notice they contain NO ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVES; amazing.

Often during the day I don't feel like Tea or Coffee, so finding these little cubes was fortuitous. They make quite a pleasant hot drink which I did actually rather enjoy. I must have last tasted them over 60 years ago.

When I was small, Oxo cubes used to come in roughly 6 by 4 by 3 inch red metal tins, which were much prized as sandwich tins for coal miners. You'd probably find them in antique shops these days.

Does life get more exciting that this?

Cro's verdict as a hot drink. Pleasant enough with good Beefy flavour. 7/10



  1. We drink the vegie water as well. (As is)

  2. I took a cube to school daily to pick off a bit and eat. I remember sharing with a friend who brought pineapple flavoured biscuits. A good 70 years ago.

    1. I was just thinking about that, I'm sure I used to pick at them too.

  3. I was put off using Oxo cubes some time ago when I read that they contained a high percentage of salt and MSG. I am not sure if that is still the case now though.

    1. I expect it is, they are quite salty. But I like salty; not sweet.

  4. Tale from my grandma's knee: One of my great aunts would not let a visitor leave the house before she had given them something to take with them. If she had nothing, she would give them an Oxo cube.

    1. What a wonderful idea. Something warm to drink when they got home!!!

  5. Never drunk OXO cubes, but I did try Bovril once and found it quite revolting as a drink!
    If you cook your veg in steamer bags you don't lose any " goodness" in cooking water and they taste better too. ( The ones from Lakeland can be used lots of times!)

    1. I'm too fixed in my ways to try new methods, although I must say that it sounds very sensible. I had some Bovril on buttered toast this morning; not something I want too often, but OK occasionally.

  6. I often have a mug of Oxo, especially during winter, or the ruddy cold spring of this year!
    Also, in our house, it's a staple for anyone recovering from an upset tum, dry white toast and a mug of Oxo/Bovril/Marmite, although Oxo is best!
    I always use the veg water for making gravy, and absolutely love a big mug of cabbage water, ideally from boiling spring greens. X

    1. My mother's panacea was a big bowl of hot Bovril or Oxo. Somehow I always looked forward to it. It was the best part of being ill.

  7. I use Oxo cubes (beef as well as chicken) when I'm cooking certain dishes and I still have the red tin my Mother used to use, in which I keep them.

    1. I haven't seen one of those tins for years, they used to be everywhere. Every kitchen had one.

  8. I use Oxo cubes two or three times a week. Yesterday afternoon I added one to the gravy I was making for our Sunday dinner. I also use one when creating my legendary bolognaise sauce for spaghetti. We have an old Oxo tin on our picture shelf in the hallway.

    1. I can't understand how I haven't seen them for so long. I might even take a pack to France.

    2. Mon dieu! Don't tell the French about them or Oxo prices might rise!

    3. I'll disguise them as dice.

  9. I still buy Oxo cubes, which are available in boxes of 24 at some of supermarkets. They make the vest gravy but the only problem is that they are very salty, so best taken in moderation. As a child I, too, used to enjoy picking at a cube - back in the days when nobody worried how much salt they absorbed!

    1. I'm very pleased I re-discovered them. I might even have another hot drink of Oxo in a short while.

  10. In the days when I cooked I often crushed an Oxo cube into my gravy especially if I didn't have a drop of wine to put in.

    1. It's very tasty. I imagine it would be great for a Beef Gravy; not that I can afford a joint of Beef.

  11. Bringing back more memories for me { as you often do Cro ! } I belonged to the swimming club from about the age of 8 and I swam in many Galas and trained a lot until I wanted to go out with my friends as a teenager and then it petered off ! After swimming we would get a mug of hot Bovril .... just the thing after swimming. I still love Bovril in a sandwich or on toast but I forget to drink it. I must get back to it and make it with the veggie cooking water as it must hold benefits. XXXX

    1. In my native village, the football club had a small wooden refreshment 'shed', where they would sell tea at half time. I remember that they also sold hot Bovril too; just the job on a cold afternoon.

  12. I don't think I've ever tried oxo though I certainly know about it. We use knorr or Maggi cubes which are terribly salted. Thank goodness they've brought an unsalted cube. It would make a good drink, like your oxo.
    Oxo. So English!

    1. I always have Knorr Chicken cubes in the house, they're handy for all sorts of things.

  13. We use the vegetable water for the same reason. We either drink it as it is, or add Oxo, Bovril or veggie Oxo cubes, or use it to make gravy. It's not strange at all and you are right about the vitamins.

    1. I'm pleased to see I'm not alone. Perhaps it's a generational thing?

  14. As a child my brother and I often had a cup of Oxo for supper along with a slice of bread to dunk. One year in the Grand National there was a horse called Oxo and my dad placed a bet on it for us. Think it won (or at least placed) as brother and I had great fun spending our winnings.

    1. Yes, some bread dunked in the hot Bovril or Oxo was very comforting. The only time I've won on the National was on a horse named after a French wine area. I won £13.

  15. Oh yes I always use the vegetable cooking water for something. The thought of all that goodness going down the plughole is unthinkable. I've not had a cup of Oxo for a long time, we used to have it regularly as children, with a slice of bread and butter for dunking sometimes.

    1. It sounds as if we all had the same experiences as children. I'm glad I'm not alone.

  16. Oxo is new to me. Broth is always good, especially on a damp cool day.

    1. I don't think Oxo has ever ventured outside of the UK, but no doubt you have something similar where you are.

    2. Oxo is easily available in Canada. Cube, sachet, and loose in a jar

    3. 'Loose in a jar'? I don't think that's even available here. Canadians have it all.

  17. Staple in my cupboard; OXO beef, chicken, lamb and vegetable cubes, Knorr also have a ham cube for the ham shank, makes very good lentil soup.

    1. I've obviously missed-out on so much. I shall have to go by the Stock Cubes section when I next visit the supermarket.
