Thursday 4 April 2024


Spring now really has sprung. Trees everywhere are sprouting their leaves, everything that should be in flower, is in flower, and the sun is shining more than not.

As you can see by the photo above, the grass has not yet grown back over the barest of Winter areas, so I shall stick to the paths for a while yet. I took these photos a couple of days ago, so the leaves are now much more apparent.

And here are some Tulips in our communal garden, at the bottom of the steps that lead to our house. Somehow, for me, they are more evocative of Spring than Daffs. We did have some recently in a vase, but they didn't last. I prefer to see then in situ.

This morning it's raining. I haven't yet been outside (it's still dark), but I can hear it.



  1. It has now stopped raining (7.30 am), so I will take Billy for his morning walk.

  2. It is that wonderful time when all those bare branches suddenly burst forth with green fluff overnight.

    1. This morning I noticed some 'Old Man's Beard' (not mine) that has sprouted leaves almost over-night.

  3. Sadly it all lasts only five minutes and then we're into summer and then it's autumn before you know it....

    1. I'm hoping for a nice long Summer (in France) and a warmish Sept/Oct back in the UK so that I can go swimming in the sea.

  4. Just put on your plastic rain hood and your pac-a-mac. I'm sure you will be fine.

    1. The rain was short-lived, and It's beautifully sunny now.

  5. I largely agree about tulips but my main carer bought me a bunch of white ones for Mothering Sunday and they have lasted for three weeks in the hall and have been sheer joy.

    1. You're lucky; ours lasted for about 3 days.

  6. Trees showing their new leaves is always a much welcomed sight. Your red tulips are a very nice greeting as you enter your home. It is snowing here in Massachusetts. Winter is having one last blast. i'm not thrilled but the weather will do as it pleases.

    1. We've had no really cold weather this Winter; quite a bit of rain, but no snow or frost.

  7. Sunshine and rain. The perfect combo for everything to sprout. I noticed our roses and vines all have new growth

    1. Our roses have leaves, but the vine is still leafless. Still, things are looking good.
