Wednesday 3 April 2024

Men's naughty bits.

The thorny old subject of gender-swapping is rarely out of the headlines these days, and on 'April Fool's Day' Scotland introduced a law that demonstrates how we now live in an era where nomenclature supersedes criminality, and where the thoughts and feelings of the offender are prioritised above those of female victims.

The trans-gender militants were horrified, some while back, to hear PM Rishi Sunak tell the 'heinous lie' that women don't have penises, and they went berserk; demanding his resignation and his instant exile to St Helena (well almost). Had he made this statement on April 2nd in Scotland he would have been hanged, drawn, and quartered.

OF COURSE women don't have penises; that's what makes them women. A man who wishes to 'transition', can have his men's bits cut off, and he can have other bits added-on, but that still doesn't make him into a biological woman; it makes him a 'trans-woman' at most.

I'm a 'live and let live' person. I have no qualms whatsoever if a man wishes to live as a woman, or if a woman wishes to live as a man, but lets not have them claiming to have physically changed sex; that simply DOES NOT HAPPEN. If I wasn't liberal thinking, I wouldn't be living in Brighton.

I think the militant trans-gender folk do a great dis-service to their own cause. They should be more generous and welcoming in their attitude, and leave people to live however they wish. And all this pronoun nonsense of 'they' and 'them' really gets on people's nerves. Sunak knows what's what, and dared say so.

I do wish they'd all settle down and accept the TRUTH of the matter. Too many people who've told the obvious truth have been hounded, 'cancelled', and persecuted. It's about time all this silliness stopped.

In case you didn't know, the person in the photo (above) is April Ashley. A trans-woman who became a cause celebre in the early 1960's as a high-profile example of 'transition'. She was one of the first people to be operated on in Morocco by pioneer surgeon Dr Georges Burou. She (not they) died in London in 2021 at the age of 86. 

Ashley was a one-time very good friend of Dali's muse, Amanda Lear, who has always refused to say if she was once male...... Frankly, if no-one knows, no-one cares!


  1. The attitude of the trans lobby bears a striking resemblance to the behaviour of the Catholic Church at the time of Galileo - a blatant disregard of basic scientific facts in favour of an ideology that could only be supported through cancellation of anyone holding a different view.

    1. And sadly Scotland's new legislation reinforces the fact that if you tell the truth (in these woke times) you could be sent to jail.

  2. It is hard to believe that so many column inches and so much air time has been devoted to this tiny side issue when there are so many more ill-reported and much more significant issues to announce and explore.

    1. It really is unbelievable. And now the Scotts have even gone as far as to criminalise anyone who tells the basic truth.

  3. "Naughty" bits? Seriously? No wonder English men have the reputation of being sexually repressed. Must be all that boarding with Matron in charge of dangling "bits". Dear dog in heaven.

    Which reminds me: How does that strange advert slogan go? "Naughty but nice". I am very fond of alliteration but content shouldn't be sacrificed on the altar of style.


    1. Oh dear Ursula. I know your countrymen are not known for their sense of humour, but this really is a new low!

    2. It may be low considering where the naughty bits dangle, nevertheless the English haven't got a monopoly on humour.

      What is funny in one culture is cringeworthy or downright rude in another (trust me, I learnt the hard way). To put it another way, slightly different context, said by a German: "It's a German joke. It doesn't have to be funny." See? That makes me laugh. No Englishman would say that despite their so called self deprecating humoUr.


  4. Extremists in any field skew opinions and facts, unfortunately.
    I do have friends who have, as one might say, physically travelled to reach the same place as they were mentally... bluntly putting it, having bits removed or added....
    It has been the right thing for them.
    Rights need to be stood up for, but some militants in every corner muddy the waters for their own ends, and it is sad

    1. Yes, they've quite properly had those rights since the days of April Ashley, but now that the militants have got involved, it's all gone askew. They should live and let live.

  5. I really don't care what people do in their own lives. It's when I'm dragged into it I start to have a problem. Now if I dare to use the wrong pronoun I can be arrested? It's all gone too far.
    In the US the subject of women's sports is in the news daily. Again, do what you want but male to female transitioners need to give up on competitive sports-no exceptions. If it made no difference as certain defenders claim, we would see female to male transitioners playing on men's teams. Nope there are zero.

    1. I agree 100%. They've taken everything much too far, and it's now become just plain silly. Common sense WILL prevail again, but it'll take time.

  6. Some militants are out for their cause with a single focus. Skewing data/facts to meet their needs is typical. I ignore them. Sometimes, it is he or she that speaks the loudest or cries the hardest that gets attention.

    1. Those with the loudest voices are those with the money. They have the means to drag us down into the bowels of hell. If people are unhappy with the body they were born in, and want to explore other options, that's up to them.

    2. Exactly Meanqueen. However, they want to make it all so public, change laws, and somehow make everyone else feel guilty. Too much meddling these days in things that used to be private.

  7. In my opinion, folks can do what they want if it isn't illegal. I just don't have to do what they want.

    1. I have nothing against anyone's life-style preferences. I just wish they'd stop legislating about it. It makes people suspicious.

  8. So I grew up with an intersex person, whose parents tried to make a choice at birth (doing the best they knew how in those days in the midst of a challenging-to say the least-situation) and decided he would be raised as a girl. It wasn't the right decision, and he's much happier now as an adult going with what feels innately true. I think intersex can mean more than just being born with ambiguous genitals. I think the ambiguity can sometimes happen just in the brain, and some people really are born in the "wrong" bodies. So because of my friend, and others like him I've met, I try to listen and understand when someone tells me who they are...after all, they know more about it than I do!

    Basically, we should all just be kind to each other. Live and let live.

    1. I too had a schoolboy friend who simply knew he should have been born female. He was a really nice person, and sadly we lost contact. I would love to have known how he got on.

  9. I've been reading about this new law and apparently the largest number of complaints so far have been levelled at Humza himself for the 2020 anti-white speech he made in the Scottish Parliament! Let's see if he's arrested!

    1. I expect he's added a clause that says he's exempt.
