Thursday 29 February 2024

Sick as a Parrot.


I suppose it's what we've always dreaded; we've been burgled.

Our home in France has been totally ransacked, and everything of value taken. The interior is a total mess. Doors have been smashed, drawers emptied on the floor, the keys taken, and the whole house desecrated.

I'm not posting the photos we've received of the devastation, as I'd prefer to think of the house as above and below.

For the moment we are in total shock, and we're feeling very 'hurt'. I've always thought of myself as a 'local' in our tiny village, I've spent 50 years of my life there, and it was my 'home'. This has deprived us of the place we've loved so much, and we now dread going back. If only I could get my hands on the little scumbag (or probably scumbags); I'd tear his fucking tripes out.

It's true that our tiny hamlet has not been the same over the past few years. Certain newcomers have changed the atmosphere totally; but we hadn't really expected this!

I do know the French have had it in for us since Brexit, but this is too much.

If you own a home in France, I'd advise you to GET OUT NOW; spend your hard earned cash where it's appreciated, and live in peace! A friend of ours who owns a house near Dieppe was also burgled a couple of days ago.


  1. You have our sympathies - the feeling of desecration is overwhelming, and it will never be the same again.

  2. So sorry to read this Cro, it's such a heart breaking thing to happen. I hope you can get it sorted out and back to the home you love.

    1. We're trying to figure-out what to do. It isn't easy just to up-sticks and go there.

  3. So sorry to learn of this Cro. Those of us who have followed you on this blog for a long time feel as if we have been guests in your French home so we may feel abused too. It is a life-changing moment. Take care of each other and be strong.

  4. That is dreadful and shocking news. So very sad for you and Lady M.

    1. I think it's open-season for absent second home owners. They go from house to house in the knowledge that there's nothing we can do.

  5. So sorry Cro. I feel like Y.P, that we have been guests in your home over the years. What a horrible shock for you both. Take care of each other. xx

  6. So sorry to read this, Cro. Horrid thing to have happened.

  7. That is absolutely terrible. No wonder you're in total shock. You've been invaded and betrayed. I can only hope there is somehow you can salvage what's left for the summer.

    1. And have the heart to return

    2. My wife, and our oldest will fly over this weekend. We need to have doors that will lock; all the old ones were smashed, and the keys taken.

  8. Our place was robbed twice within a month while we were out for a couple of hours!
    There was no 'damage' done but knowing someone has been in leaves a nasty feeling. Of couse, the Fr Police never found anyone or got my sentimental valuables back.
    Take care and don't blame Brexit!

    1. I do slightly blame Brexit simply because it changed our status, and allowed what has just happened. We would normally have been in situ.

    2. Didn't you have the option of applying for permanent resident status before Brexit was enacted. I follow another UK blogger who lives in Brittany and she is a permanent resident.

  9. Replies
    1. I can't write here what I'd like to do to them!!!

  10. I felt quite sick reading this post. It is truly shocking and I can imagine how it must have devastated you both.

  11. Oh Cro, you have my sympathy.Having been burgled twice I know exactly how you feel.

  12. I am sorry you have been burgled. You have now joined the real world.

  13. So sorry Cro, this is just awful, I can imagine the absolute mortification you are both feeling. Unfortunately a sign of the times these days, none of us feel safe any longer. I suspect the same thing will happen over here with second homes, locals are just getting fed up with it. Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide to do next.

  14. Commiserations, Cro and Lady M.

    Alas, burglaries happen all over the world. Even in England. Don't ask me how I know. Your blaming Brexit (which is to blame for a lot of things) and the French is pointless. Still, I suppose shock and anger need to find an outlet, a target.

    As an aside: It's one thing for burglars to take valuables. What I don't get when there is vandalism/destruction. Give me a "cat burglar" any time. You'll barely notice that your Mona Lisa has gone awol.


  15. I'm so sorry to read this, Cro. You must be devastated. Xx

  16. Just out of interest, was there anything of value in the house? I imagine you would not have left valuables in an unoccupied house.

    1. Luckily I think they've only taken all the electrical stuff; TV's, Hi-Fi's, etc, but we still don't know. I have most of my valuable antiques there, which I believe are still there.

    2. Opportunists looking for something to sell for quick money then, not professional job.

  17. I don't know why, Cro, but I really feel as though it's a personal assault not just on you but on all of us and society in general. It may sound selfish but it's totally ruined my morning as well as yours. This is the sort of thing that happens in lawless countries.

    1. I'm afraid that is so. I've just been speaking to the man who made the doors, and he will go this afternoon to fit new locks etc. Things are already in motion, but oh how I wish all this wasn't needed. Such is life!

  18. So sorry to read this Cro. We once had a car broken in to and the radio stolen, and I know how I felt about that car afterwards, so you must feel devastated to say the least. I hope that Lady M and your son are not too upset with what they find.

    1. I fear they will be very upset, the whole place has been turned upside down, and trashed.

  19. Sad news indeed. But you can't be everywhere..not that even being at home would deter some.
    It's the reason a few of our friends decided to stay permanently in France, Spain and Portugal and get rid of their houses in England

    1. I think these days it's best to be full-time either here or there. In 50 years we've NEVER locked the house other than when we went abroad. A sad state of affairs.

  20. Replies
    1. It's a pain. We're now booking flights, and preparing for my wife to go. Just because some little creep wanted money for drugs (I imagine). It's horrible.

  21. I'm so sorry to read this distressing news Cro. What a terrible thing to happen. It's the mindless vandelism that is so difficult to understand.

    1. Yes, everything trashed and thrown about. It's a terrible mess.

  22. I am so sorry for you and your whole family. This is such a mean thing for louts to do.

    1. Thank you Veg, we always feared it, but never expected it.

  23. I am shocked and so sorry to hear this. Trashing the place adds to the horror of this. I am so sorry for you and your family.

  24. I am in shock about your news, Cro and am so sorry for you both. They are mindless opportunists who don't care at all about the hurt and feeling of invasion of your property that you are experiencing. I expect they got a great kick out of causing as much damage as possible as well as the theft. What a shame that no-one seems to have seen anything going on. I do sympathise with you and your family.

    1. We can't understand how no-one saw anything, we're at the end of a tiny track that passes 4 other well spaced houses. And they always say that in the countryside there is always someone watching you! Not, it seems, in this case.

  25. Chin up Cro, you have a sensible son and a good wife heading back there. The summer is still to come.

  26. It's a dreadful feeling I have only experienced twice (once in the car) when I was young enough for it not to matter. I have thought for a long time now that it is risky leaving properties unattended, wherever.

    1. It was a risk we've taken for about 50 years without problem. Now the country is awash with ne'er-do-wells, and they thieve with impunity.

  27. I am shocked and saddened by this news, Cro. I hope you find a way to navigate through the turmoil and upset this has caused you.

    1. We're getting organised. It'll all work out OK-ish in the end.

  28. So sorry to hear this news, it made me feel quite sick, so I can only imagine how you're all feeling.
    With luck, the little scrote (s) who is/are responsible, will buy drugs which bloody well kill them! It would be no more than they deserve! X

    1. It's a really horrible feeling; our lovely little home has been vandalised.

  29. I'm so sorry Cro. This is TERRIBLE. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now.

  30. That's terrible. Made worse that you had to hear about it in another country and could not begin tidying up immediately.

    1. It's all so inconvenient apart from everything else. All the repairs will cost us a fortune as well.

  31. So very sorry Cro. We experienced similar situation once, several years ago, except the punk kids also attempted to set the house ablaze as they exited. Because they were minors, they were never prosecuted or charged with theft or arson. I might also add, one was the son of a police officer. Your experience and what Lady M will find upon arrival makes me feel sick to my stomach.

    1. I'm rather pleased that I've been given the task of staying at home and looking after Billy.

  32. It has been over 50 years since my family went through that, and thinking about it still feels like an invasion. Take care of yourself.

    1. It's a horrible feeling; one I'd hoped I would never experience.

  33. cher ami Cro,je suis de tout coeur avec vous.J ai ete cambriolee durant une courte absence en pleine journee.heureusement ils n ont pas vole mes deux petits bichons.depuis ce jour jai fait installer une alarme avec sirene et video surveillance 24heures sur 24 .la police est la en une fraction de seconde..Les temps sont difficiles!Bon courage

    1. I've never really bothered with security. I have some outdoor movement activated lights, which I think deters people, but that's all.

  34. PS je me suis souvent demande si votre demeure etait sous alarme et videosurveillance pendant votre absence

    1. No, we've always relied on honesty; and during 50 years we were right!

  35. Feeling your pain! What a terrible violation!

    1. Horrible people. They have no idea of the pain they cause.

  36. So sorry to hear that Cro. Hoping that things are not as bad as they look in the photos and your beautiful antiques are safe.

    1. I suspect they may be worse than we imagine. We'll see!

  37. So very sorry to learn this Cro. I have wondered in the past if you had some kind of burglar system to protect your place, whilst you were gone.
    There is no excuse for theft but vandalism on top of that makes me think it was teenagers.
    Hopefully your wife and son will be able access the damage and it won't be as bad as it sounds.

    1. No, we've been very trusting in the past, but times have changed.

  38. Vandals have no bounds. Your lovely little home being terribly violated is heartbreaking. I feel for you. Times are changing and it is not for the better. I would consider installing a security system (cameras).

    1. We'll have to do something, the main problem is that most good systems require the electricity to remain on.

  39. That hurts my heart for you all. Hugs to you all.
    Please take care of each other. Love, Beth

  40. I'm so sorry, Cro. Years ago, an acquaintance of mine was spared a theft in her summer home because of a $20.00 motion activated alarm. Her husband insisted they leave it on the kitchen table, (slightly obscured by a newspaper.) They learned of the break-in because their neighbour discovered their open back door and alerted the police. They could tell by the footprints in the snow that the thieves, (most likely kids), exited by leaps and bounds after setting off the alarm. I hope they catch your thief(s). More importantly, I hope you're back to eating delicious dinners and sipping wine in your beautiful French villa soon.

    1. There's an 'Alarm Shop' here in Brighton, I'll pop down and see what they have. There must be something that will do the job.

  41. Cro, I'm so sorry to hear of this. I hope the damage is repairable. The stupid gits!

    1. I'm sure we'll get there in the end. It's all a bit raw at the moment.

  42. On the bright side, you haven't been invaded by squatters

    1. Give them time. That's another thing we've worried about.

  43. So saddened to hear this, Cro.

  44. Oh Cro and Lady M , I am so sorry to hear about the robbery and the desecration of your beautiful home in France..... the damage must be so distressing, made even worse when you are so far away. Thinking of you both. XXXX

  45. I'm so sorry. I've never commented before, but have enjoyed the bucolic summer images of you treasuring your French home as well as your city home in Brighton. Please take care.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  46. I am very sorry to read this. I would be devastated. I know how you loved that home. How awful that you cannot go in person to assess the situation in person.

  47. Oh No!! I am so sorry to hear this :( :(

  48. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE. We are slowly getting used to the trauma, and repairs are already in hand. Yesterday the man went to repair the doors and change the locks, and we have a good friend who's looking after things until Lady M and Kimbo arrive tomorrow.

    We have also learned that the thieves broke into a 'gite' next door, but as it was just a holiday rental home there was nothing to steal.

    C'est la Vie!

  49. So very sorry to read this horrible news. Mindless vandalism is pointless and destructive.
    I hope your wife and son are not too distressed by what they find

    1. I now hear they also emptied a Fire Extinguisher in the sitting room; everything is covered in a fine white powder.

  50. I have been thinking about you over the weekend and especially as I was there on Mon pm and sent you photos. The only thing that seemed a bit strange was something against the inside of the studio door. So I don't know if the burglary happened after I was there? So sad - I was looking at the length of the grass, to see if it needed cutting - and I remember thinking there was a lot of water over the cover of the pool. Of course I did not try the doors and I did not know where the key usualy was kept. But it feels awful. I know the sense of invasion that happens when you are burgaled. I hope not too much was taken ?
