Wednesday 28 February 2024

My car.

Here is Debi (my Compact Royce Mark 2) posing at the big Sainsbury's superstore in Hove.

I noticed yesterday that I have done 2,700 miles since I bought her a couple of years ago. And since our return to Brighton last September I have only (half) filled her with petrol once. In other words she isn't used a lot. She'd done just over 32,000 miles.

She is the perfect car for me. She's French, and as I do most of my motoring in France she would be easily dealt with should she fall ill. I always drive her with the back seats down, making her into a very commodious two-seater Station Wagon. She is also what Jeremy Clarkson once called 'An OAP's shopping car'. I think he was trying to insult her, but for me that was a compliment. 

She is well designed, other than the position of the two interior front door handles. Otherwise I see no design faults. 

She is comfortable, fast enough for my requirements, has several electrical gadgets but not too many, and drives as well as any car I've owned. I do actually enjoy driving her.

I also happen to think she looks quite nice too. My previous car, an earlier model, was probably better designed, but this one will do. I'm not over keen on the silver roof rack bars, but I'll live with them.

I think Debi enjoys her trip to Sainsbury's. She always has a spring in her step as we set off, and she purrs into her usual parking spot when we arrive.

When I first bought Debi, I'd thought she had a sun roof; she didn't. I also thought she had reversing bleeps; she doesn't. And I thought she could sing 'Jerusalem' whilst doing a pirouette on Tower Bridge; she can't.

I'm sincerely hoping that she'll be my last car. In fact I'm sure she has more life left in her than I do.



  1. Look after Debi and she will look after you. Is she left or right hand drive?

    1. She's an English car; my first for decades. She's right hand drive.

  2. Just needs a set of sporty wheel trims and some go-faster stripes down the side.

    1. I'm saving-up for the Fandango wheels and the Red Stripes.

  3. My experience of driving a right-hand drive car in France was that it was postively dangerous.

    1. I really find no difference between left and right. I've been doing it for so long that I hardly notice it.

  4. Debi looks like a good girl! Lots of life and use left in her, too.

  5. My daughter Sarah has owned her Quashqai for two years and has only just discovered it has a sunroof.

    1. Many years ago we had a garden 'Summer House', which, when we were selling, we discovered to have a circular runway beneath it, that meant it could be turned in any direction. Too late!

  6. I had a Mazda 3 hatch, a great little car of a very similar design. It was displaced when I fell in love with a little VW convertible (cabriolet.)

    1. My first car was a white VW Beetle. I loved it.

    2. Mine was an orange VW super beetle. It was on the lot had 90 miles on it so it was cheaper. I was thinking it might have been 2000 dollars.

    3. I remember they were advertised for $1999 on Sunday nights. That was when the FBI was on with Efram Zimablist Jr!

  7. She meets all your needs. I like the cargo space too.

  8. As long as she gets you from here to there and back again without complaining or falling apart, that's all you need.
