Tuesday 16 January 2024

We are living in dangerous times.


You really know that things are getting bad when Sweden tells its citizens to 'prepare for war'. After having been a fiercely neutral state for decades, Sweden is now so worried that she is set to join NATO.

On the home front, the UK is soon to send 20,000 troops to join NATO's biggest ever European military exercise since the cold war. The UK's Defense Secretary Grant Shapps recently said "The foundations of the world order are being shaken to the core". He added "We are at a crossroads".

The UK is sending 2 aircraft carriers, 8 warships, several F-35 fighter planes, and reconnaissance aircraft, to join with 31 other NATO nations, in order to practice joint response to an attack on any European country.

But who is the greatest enemy in all this? Will Sweden end-up fighting against its own Muslim population, who will side with Hamas and the Houthis, as well as Russia? Will the UK also need to fight against its infamous 'Enemy within'? 

As Rod Liddle reminded us in this past weekend's Sunday Times, 'Magic Grandpa (and his supporters) can always be relied upon to support any cause that furthers Russia, China, and Iran; he will side with whoever is our enemy'. And we all know who Mr Liddle is talking about. 

Until now I haven't really taken threats from our aggressors particularly seriously, but I'm beginning to change my mind. There are simply too many angry and unstable dictators about, and sadly far too many of those who foolishly support them! 


  1. Don’t be a segregationist. We are all Scandies here.

    1. My wife is a Swede, my daughter in law is a Swede, and we still have many family members living in Sweden and Norway. So, I agree with you.

  2. I have no idea who "Magic Grandpa" is and I also have no idea who the "Enemy Within" might be. That was a term that Thatcher scurrilously applied to the coal mining communities that built Britain. However, like you, I look at the world order now and I worry about the future more than I have ever done before. If Trump gets into The White House again we are all on the road to Hell.

    1. Magic Grandpa I believe is Corbyn, and the enemy within was Scargill; two of the most dangerous men in the UK. I have no idea what Trump has in store, he seems very popular.

    2. Corbyn? Scargill? What year are we in?

  3. I think we are going to have to start taking a much harder and more selfish view of things. For example, if you add in costs such as trying to control the Red Sea, then importing stuff from abroad starts to become expensive.

    1. Unless the Houthis let all shipping pass as it did before.

  4. Leadership needs to change and until this happens, the aggressors will continue and other countries will be drawn in. A recent poll shows 3/4 of Israelis want a change in leadership either immediately or once the war is over. This would mean a 6th election in less than 6 years would be held in mid-2024.

    1. I think Netanyahu has shown great resolve. He's stuck to his aims, and as far as I can see, has achieved everything he wanted. Maybe it's time now to negotiate, but otherwise I think Israel should be proud of him.

  5. I heard talk of Sweden wanting to join NATO last year and thought it had happened by now. I sincerely hope we are NOT headed for WW3.

    1. I think there are people around who want a WW3.
