Monday 15 January 2024

More tree planting.

Our municipal tree planters have been at it again. They have planted another six trees in the Rest Garden, where I walk with Billy.

I spoke to the two gardeners yesterday as they were digging holes. I asked them what trees they were planting, but they didn't seem to know. They thought that two might be Cherries, and I suggested they were probably Flowering Cherries; as I couldn't see our charming Council offering free actual Cherries to their electorate.

However, they did say that they were going to plant a Fig Tree; pointing to a spot up by the old flint wall.

And here it is (above). Nicely planted, fenced, and secured. Hopefully the local 'youf' will leave it alone and in a couple of years we'll have fresh Figs for Tea.

Thank you Council.

p.s. Billy has not been well.




  1. Sod the fig tree.... how's Billy and wotzup?

    1. We really don't know. He may have eaten something nasty; or even been poisoned. He had a day of vomiting but is slowly recovering. We've heard rumours that there's an anti-dog person who visits the dog-walking park.

  2. Token treeism!
    Better than no trees I suppose. They will get plenty of growth and leaves there anyway but I doubt that there will be many figs for a long time.

    Get well soon Billy.

    1. If they plant too many it'll become 'woodland'. The Fig tree is quite mature so I would expect fruit quite quickly. Whether they will be edible or not is another question. Two years ago they ripened here; last year they didn't.

  3. A fig tree seems a strange choice for an English garden. It will certainly give lots of nice green leafy shade in the summer.
    Hoping Billy gets well quickly

    1. I love the leafiness of Figs; I have several in France. Billy is looking more lively this morning.

  4. We tried a fig tree in our previous garden but it was too cold and damp so it didn't thrive. Yours should be OK down there in tropical Sussex.
    Hope Billy is on the mend now.

    1. There's a tree in our street that often has plenty of fruit. We shall see.

      Billy's off to the Vet this morning.

  5. Get well soon Billy! And as for the trees, I'll be very surprised if they're still there this time next year....

    1. They planted a load this time last year, and they've all survived. My fingers are crossed.

  6. I hope that Billy is recovering now. My schnauzer has been suffering with " the runs" for 2 weeks now. Various medication and different foods have been on white fish and sweet potato and live yoghurt. He didn't wake me up last night....usually about 3 times to go out! Has cost around £250 so far!!!

    1. We'll see what the Vet thinks. I don't think he's too bad; just off his food.

  7. Hope the fig does well. You are further South than me - up here, especially today (brrrr) it would just shrivel up and die.

  8. No doubt the soil in that location is well-nourished by historical human remains so the fig tree should thrive.

    1. I presume all the bodies are still there, the gravestones are distributed around the edges.

  9. Oh, poor Billy ..... I hope he is feeling much better today.
    It's good to hear that your council is planting trees. We had a beautiful flowering cherry opposite but, a few years ago, it gave up the ghost. I think it was very old . When the council dug it out, I asked if they would be planting another one. Probably in November they said. Three years have now gone by and nothing. I don't think I will be seeing another tree there !!! Give Billy a rub of the ears from me. XXXX

    1. I mostly plant fruit trees, but I do occasionally plant others. It's good to see the council planting. I feel I'm getting something positive for my rates.

  10. Take care of everyone, and plant trees for the future.

  11. I am very concerned about Billy. Hopefully, the Vet will resolve whatever has caused his upset. The new trees are great. We should all be planting trees.

  12. I await a Billy update after the vet has a look-see.
    All for planting trees, nut, fruit .

  13. Oh no! I hope Billy will be okay. Hooray for tree plantings.

  14. Billy is home again with a large pack of medicine. He's sill very lethargic this morning but I'm sure he'll soon recover. Thank you for your concern.
