Tuesday 12 December 2023

To your door

Here in the UK we've all heard of Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Just Eat, etc, etc. Young people, with big square boxes on the backs of their electric bikes, whizz around town at all hours delivering take-away meals for those who either can't be bothered to cook at home, or haven't the time. 

However, this (above) is new to me. You can now just click on a QR code and your dope of preference will be delivered to your door in no time.

Deliver-dope, Uber Smoke, or Just fix, will send a delivery person to wherever you are, and no doubt you can pay through Pay Pal too. No different from ordering a Chicken Korma, Sweet-n-Sour Pork, or a McD's triple cheese burger.

Ain't life wonderful, and all so convenient. 

I shall NOT be using their services.



  1. I don't use any of their services either. I did once order a pizza, but the deliverer couldn't find my flat and by the time he did my pizza was cold and soggy. Never ordered again. I heat up frozen these days or make my own.

    1. I wouldn't mind a really good Chinese occasionally, but not the dope! Thank you all the same.

  2. Here I receive such messages on WhatsApp, I have never tried.

    1. Selling dope via WhatsApp? How strange. My WhatsApp pages are for 'invitees only'.

  3. Is that legal??? Mind you, I have seen plenty of dopes on bikes.

    1. I would imagine it's highly illegal, but what do they care. Drug dealing, and taking, is done openly on the streets anyway.

  4. You may not be using their services but to supplement your retirement income you could become PART of their services - whizzing around Brighton and Hove on an electric bike with a "Deliveroo" box on your back bringing sustenance to the hungry.

    1. I don't really see myself as 'Mr Big'. I could deliver home-made Humus to the worthy, I suppose!

  5. I first read about this several years ago. There was/is a high rate of theft of genuine Deliveroo bikes, clothing and helmets so that the 'couriers' could nip through the streets without suspicion.

  6. People at work get lunch delivered ALL THE TIME. I swear, I don't know how they afford it. By the time you pay for the food, the delivery fee, and a tip, every single lunch has to cost over $20, easily. I can't understand it; even if I could afford it, I wouldn't waste money like that.

    1. Maybe for a special treat once or twice, of a cuisine that one can't do at home, then OK. But for every lunch; that's crazy.

  7. We had Deliveroo one time when we were having the kitchen done. It was stone cold when it got here so, the next time I got it via Uber Eats thinking it might come in a car but it was still on a moped thing and was stone cold again ..... I haven't ordered anything since as I cook but, if I was desperate I still wouldn't ..... I'd rather have a sandwich ! As for the drugs, I was thinking the same as JayCee ..... I thought it was illegal ... wouldn't the police be able to trace them or give them an order and then put the handcuffs on them ? XXXX

    1. That's what I thought too Jackie

    2. Small burglaries, shoplifting, and drug-taking, are all ignored by the police these days. All they want to do is chase cars down motorways.

  8. Yes, my first thought too was that it was illegal. How come the police have not picked up on it? It's just encouraging the use of drugs and inviting youngsters to "partake".
    Takeaways don't seem to be part of the food culture here, or maybe I live in the wrong part of town!

    1. Exactly. Why don't they just 'order' something, then arrest them.

  9. No Deliveroo or Uber dope, Chinese or Indian takeaways here. We wouldn't use them anyway. Pizza and souvlaki is about it, as far as I know. We have phoned for both on occasions when people have gathered and we had nothing to feed them. It's just as easy to make a pizza at home and cheaper.
    I would love to order a Chinese but the nearest we have to that is a packet of instant noodles.

    1. I shall be having a pack of instant noodles for lunch today. I add chicken and beansprouts, and you'd think you were in China.

  10. I've not seen anything like this drug delivery service. That said, since legalized, drug use in MA has increased greatly. Shops can be found easily and they are busy. Our police and ambulance services now carry Narcan. Sad.

    1. I really don't know which is better, coming down hard on drug users, or letting them get on with it in peace. As long as I'm not involved I don't really mind; unless I'm burgled.

  11. Maybe I should but a smartphone.

    1. The street corner guy will still be there (for a while).

  12. I have used deliver 2x in my life. Both meals were delivered to family w/ after the birth of a child. As Jennifer noted, it is pretty expensive for everyday meals.

    1. I believe a lot of people now live on nothing else. I once had a friend who changed his kitchen into an extra bedroom, and ALWAYS ate out.

  13. I have never had a takeaway delivered. If I want one I jump in the car and fetch it myself.

    1. Nor have I, other than by mistake. The delivery man couldn't read English, and I had to explain!
