Monday 11 December 2023

Me and Po.

Coincidence really does exist. I came across this photo yesterday morning, and in the afternoon Rachel told me about a Netflix programme that involved the chap on the left. The other one is me.

Po and I were 'best mates' at school. When we left we both went on to work in The City (Stock Exchange), then Po went on to study 'Film Technique' (I think), whereas I went on to study Fine Art.

Po designed record covers for most of his career some of which have become icons of the métier. Most people will know this one (below) from Pink Floyd's 'Atom Heart Mother' album. Others of his are equally famous.

Whilst on the subject of coincidence, I learned a few years back that Po and I have a great love for the same small island; Formentera. He has a home there, whereas I always used to stay in a lovely small hostel on a private beach. If I'd known he had a house there I would have sponged a room.  

Po is Aubrey Powell. Me, I'm still just Cro.


  1. I like this post about you and your friend and his career designing album covers and how you both love that same small island.

    1. Po was also born in Brighton, the town in which I now live.

  2. You look just like recent pictures of your Brighton living son!!
    Love the fact that you chose different paths, yet he remained on the art side!!

  3. Although I have seen documentaries before about Hipgnosis and the record covers and Powell this is the best yet. Squaring the Circle for anybody who wants to see it is on Netflix, life in the Swinging 60s, Pink Floyd, and all the record covers we once had. By the way, I like coincidences.

    1. I shall watch the docu' this afternoon.

    2. Rachel, some of us still have those covers... and the vinyl inside!!
      Most have been played less than six times.... tape recordings and a final CD...
      The exception was Deep Purple "Concerto for Group and Orchestra" which my pop music hating father played to death!
      Had to buy myself a second copy as a tape master and hide it from him!

  4. Obscurity?? What about this world renowned blog?

  5. I just looked at his Wiki profile ..... what a fantastic career he has had and involving all of the bands I listened to ..... and, thanks Rachel for the heads up about Squaring the Circle. I will be watching it. XXXX

    1. Yes, he did a lot of interesting stuff. He's been a busy boy.

  6. Aubrey Powell's working life has been rich and varied - always concerned with visual matters. The way our lives work out can be down to pure chance and frequently there will have been one significant turning point.

    1. Po was always very self-confident, he let nothing get in the way of any ambition he might have had.

    2. I went to his website and watched a fascinating video called "For The Love of Vinyl". I imagine you have already been there:-

    3. No, I haven't seen anything about him on film or video. I haven't even seen him for a few years in person.

  7. Reach out and say hi, the worst that can happen is no response.

    1. I've been away in France for so long we've lost contact a bit. The last I heard from him was an invite to his birthday party, where just about every big name in music would have been there; unfortunately I was unable to go.

    2. I agree with Mr Penguin. You will find Po's email address at his website. No doubt he remembers you fondly as a peer. Be brave and re-connect while you can.

    3. He was living a short distance from you at Malt Barn Cottage, Weavers Hill, Angmering, BN16 4BE . Whether or not he is still there - I do not know.

    4. Angmering eh? Very chic. I wonder if he's still there? I'll Email him. Thanks

  8. Coincidences happen all the time - one of life's mysteries.

    1. This one was very strange. I was looking for a totally different photo when I came across the above. Then, out of the blue, Rachel mentioned him. Weird or what!

  9. Fascinating guy! You must reach out to Po. The ability to reconnect using the web is amazing. I bet he'd enjoy a conversation/meet-up as much as you would. If he has roots in Brighton, a meet-up is realistic.

    1. I quite expect we'll meet up again sometime; old pals never die.

  10. I can't wait for the next chapter of this story!

    1. I'm not sure that there will be a next chapter. Ships that pass in the night.
