Friday 8 December 2023

Double take!


When I saw the above, I immediately thought how strange it was for all those leaves to fall as they had; covering each step perfectly.

When I looked more closely I could see that it wasn't leaves at all, but wood chips.

So, here is the question. Why would anyone cover all those steps with wood chips?

Is it insulation against frost?

Is it a cheap form of cushioning?

Is it an art installation by some wag at the Art College?

Or maybe it's a new Wokey-Jokey protest against tree felling.

Whatever it is, it looks very strange.

All sensible (or not so sensible) suggestions would be welcome.


  1. Cro, it is obviously a winter mulch to protect the roots against the January and February freezes!!
    However, "Is it insulation against frost?" may be the correct question if the base steps are in a sandstone... everything is pretty wet atm and if it is wet 'twixt two thin layers, a freeze will cause it to flake off... York stone does it readily.

    1. That's what I'd imagined, an insulation against frost getting into the stone. I've never seen it before.

  2. Strange indeed. I'm sure that the stone will have been standing there for years and years without protection against the weather.

    1. Yes, it's a little surprising. I'm sure they've never done it before.

  3. More likely to stop 'us' from slipping on the steps when frost/iced over.

    1. You mean when we climb-up to spray some squiggles on it?

  4. Just someone with too much time on their hands?

  5. Replies
    1. Knowing some of the locals, I wouldn't be surprised.

  6. My suggestion is that until recently, a tree stood next to the old cross. When tree surgeons came to do their work, the wood chippings fell or blew onto the base of the cross. Although you are an observant fellow, you had not noticed the tree before.

    1. There is a huge Elm right opposite, which is why I'd originally thought they were leaves. It's still standing.

    2. The tree might not have been next to the cross. This might have been the nearest parking spot for the trailer loaded shredder. The idea is that the shredders blow into a hopper of some sort, but bad aim, wind or a full shredder probably caused the overflow.

    3. The chips are equally distributed on all sides; I'm sure they've been placed there by someone for a reason.

  7. Done on purpose to give dog walkers something to puzzle over and write about in their blogs.

    1. That's the only answer I hadn't thought of.

  8. Who knows ? Maybe the gardener had a load of wood chips left over and dumped them there ? It's very odd isn't it ? XXXX

  9. Totally odd and it takes away from the lovely stone structure. Somebody needs to remove the wood chips.

    1. I expect they'll blow away before too long.

  10. Maybe an attempt at making it pretty?
