Saturday 9 December 2023

Boris Johnson struggles with umbrella.

At least when Boris was around we all had a good laugh. He's been in the news again recently as a witness for The Covid Enquiry; causing trouble of course. 

Here he is having been given the joke umbrella and the seat with the whoopie cushion. Charles eventually sees the joke, which I suspect was engineered by the fragrant Priti Patel (in black hat). The Minx!


  1. I should add that the weather down here in Sunny Sussex is absolutely FOUL. It's cold, wet and windy, and it doesn't seem to want to stop. I've just come in from my weekly Saturday shopping trip, and I'm soaked.

  2. Two "Oh dear's":
    1. Looks like Mr Magoo missed the "How to put up an umbrella" lesson at Eton.
    2. You could have avoided the soaking by shielding yourself with an umbrella!

    1. I did have every device available against my soaking, but the rain came from all angles. It's forecast to continue for a week or more.

  3. Perhaps it is just me but 'ability to give everyone a good laugh' is not on my list of necessary characteristics of a Prime Minister.

    Question for you Cro, why do you refer to Priti Patel as 'the fragrant', is it another way of saying Dame?

    1. I'm sure exactly where the use of the word 'fragrant' comes from, but I suspect it was from the UK satirical magazine Private Eye. It is meant to be slightly insulting, but not overly so; just a hint of fun-poking.
      I like politicians who don't take themselves too seriously. We have a very dull bunch at the moment. Boris was also highly intelligent, and I doubt if we'll see his ilk again for a long while. They don't come around too often.

    2. Boris might be highly intelligent but his relationship with truth is somewhat suspect and, I think, the only this he really cares about is himself:
      - sacked twice for lying
      - illegally prorogued parliament
      - there will be no border in the Irish sea
      - stating several times that 'there are more people in work than before the pandemic'

      Johnson has done for UK politics what Trump did for the US - get caught out in a lie, just double down and repeat it. It doesn't matter as he is such a jolly fellow.

      I want politicians that take their job seriously - he did not. I reckon his teacher had the mark of the 17 Johnson when he wrote "I think he honestly believes it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation that binds everyone else."

      He was forced to resign as PM after more than 50 members of his government resigned over yet another scandal which he tried to bluster through. About one year later her resigned as MP after a finding of lying to parliament.

      But none of this matters as he doesn't take himself too seriously. A statement with which I disagree - Johnson takes himself very seriously indeed.

    3. I get the impression you don't like him. Personally I'd much prefer to spend an evening with him rather than Rishi or Starmer.

    4. I have never met the chap, so cant really comment on whether 'I like him.' I suspect, however, that I would not like him.

      "Would I like to spend an evening with them?" is also not a criterion I would use in judging whether someone would make a good PM.

    5. Thunderous applause for Traveller from Yorkshire!

    6. I suspect she sits on your side of the fence, I'm more in the middle!

  4. It is good to see Charles smile.

    1. And Priti Patel could hardly contain herself.

  5. I've seen that clip a few times. It seems to pop up often when Boris is mentioned here. He's known for his bumbling far and wide.
    Mind you the Greeks love him because he's a Greek scholar and pops up on some Greek island every year

    1. It always makes me laugh. He can make a mess of anything, and usually does.

    2. We can certainly agree on that last sentence - he can make a mess of anything, and usually does.

      Though if you believe The Mail on Sunday, there is a plot to bring him back.
