Wednesday 6 September 2023


A good night's sleep can depend on many things. Finding exactly the right bed is probably amongst the most important factors.

Personally I like quite a firm bed. I also like to sleep without sheets and blankets; provided that it's warm enough. In Summer I also like to have the windows wide open so that there is always a good flow of fresh air (with Mosquito netting, of course).

In Winter I creep under a thin duvet, but I continue to like the fresh air. 

Unfortunately none of this has yet allowed me to sleep for more than about 4 hours per night. I haven't slept a whole night's sleep for maybe 40 years, and I'm beginning to get a bit miffed. I refuse to take sleeping pills, or follow some mumbo-jumbo magic, but I would like to find a simple formula that would give me just a couple more hours. I'd be quite happy with 6 hours non-interrupted sleep.

In the meantime, I wake very early, listen to a load of political tripe on LBC Radio, then get-up to have my first cup of coffee at 5 am. It is now 5.25 am and I'm up and about.



  1. Put some socks on…sounds strange but try it and see how you go

    1. I'd never though of wearing socks in bed, but I'll try anything. Thanks.

  2. Probably the four hours is all your body needs and wishing for more won't make a bit of difference. I've heard that older people sleep less at night, but often have a nap mid-afternoon or just after lunch, it just depends on what the body needs. Some days I nap, other days I don't and I sleep differing amounts depending on how physically active I have been. But if you sleep well and wake refreshed, what difference will extra hours make?

  3. How annoying. I find it hard to function efficiently if I don't get 8 hours sleep. We are all different I suppose.

    1. It doesn't seem to effect my functioning, but it would be nice to have a really good sleep, just for a change.

  4. I'm with you, window open every night of the year.

  5. I don't actually go to bed until I fall asleep, usually at the computer. Six hours does me, sometimes more.

    1. I like the sound of that. Stagger up to bed and continue sleeping. Perfect.

  6. Do you actually have insomnia? Do you have problems getting to sleep? Do you keep waking up intermittently and can't get back to sleep? Or maybe you only need 4 hours sleep. My suggestion is change your routine a little and go to bed later. You will then be asleep when everybody else is and awake when everybody is. or thereabouts.

    1. I think I must be one of those people who don't really need too much sleep. I never get-up feeling tired, nor am I ever in a bad mood. I do often have a 'power-nap' after lunch for about 10 mins, so that probably helps.

  7. I can't do without my 8 hours sleep. Summer we only have insect screens at the windows so we get every little bit of breeze. I like to sleep with an open window most of the year but when winter really sets in I close it and snuggle down with electric blanket and thick duvet

    1. I do like a nice warm duvet in winter, but still with the windows open just a bit.

  8. The sleeplessness is probably to do with guilt as you mull over the errors of your life and the terrible secrets that you cannot share on this blog. If you had led a blameless life - like me - you would sleep for eight hours a night like the proverbial baby.

    1. My wayward lifestyle may well be the problem, but at least it's been fun.

  9. You're going to think it's 'New Age Mumbo Jumbo', but when I had trouble sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time, getting a maximum of four hours a night, a friend recommended CBD Gummies.
    One every night, about half an hour before bed time, and I sleep like a baby, and if I do wake, it's for moments before I'm back in the land of nod!
    Available from H&B, and lots of other 'Health' shops.

    1. I hope you're not trying to convert me into a screaming dope-head, but I shall certainly make enquiries. We have an H&B just down the road. Thanks for the tip.

  10. I can sympathise Cro, I haven't had a good night's sleep since my husband died six years ago. When I go to bed I sometimes take an hour or more to fall asleep then wake after a couple of hours and no way can I get back to sleep. I think I'd be better getting up and doing something constructive.
    I've tried all the sensible things like not using the computer, or reading my Kindle for a couple of hours before I turn in, but it makes no difference.

    1. I fall asleep OK, but then I wake about 3 or 4 hours later, and can't get back to sleep again. It's more annoying than anything.

  11. Six hours is my maximum with sometimes a twenty minute nap after lunch. Seems to be enough. As I have to drink a lot of fluids that six hours in actually broken into 3 lots of 2 hours for obvious reasons.

    1. I also drink a lot at night, but I think that's my diabetes. It's all very annoying.

  12. I also find I have to be nodding off in front of the T.V. before going to bed otherwise it can take an hour to get to sleep. I sleep about four hours then wake and take some time to go back to sleep for another one or two hours. Six hours is usually my maximum. I have never been a great sleeper but also definitely need less sleep as I have got older.

    1. It's a vicious circle. Because I get-up early, I'm tired early. I often go to bed at around 8 pm, meaning that I'm awake again at midnight. I need to be re-set to 'default'.

  13. It you wake feeling rested, this signals you might not need more sleep. A natural sleep aid is: Melatonin (if you want to experiment). I'm in bed by midnight and up by 8 AM. This seems to work for me.

    1. That seems to be the case, but I would simply like to sleep for longer. I'm going to try the CBD Gummies first (whatever they are).

  14. Ah! So that's where you get your political tripe from. That, and lack of sleep. I'd miss out the wine if I wanted six hours unbroken sleep, but to be honest I'd rather have the wine.

    1. No political tripe here, just the occasional bit of common sense. More sleep would never change that!

  15. I hate not being able to sleep….it’s a rare thing for me , although my bladder gets me up at least twice a night

  16. Replies
    1. I wonder what the mother Elephant was thinking!

  17. I really have to simply stay up until I am ready to sleep. If I don't fall asleep quickly, my mind whirs off in a hundred directions and I can't sleep for hours. I also have to have an open window. I need at least a sheet. Without it, the monster under the bed will get my toes.

    1. We have large 'double doors' type of window in our bedroom (which will be replaced next week) and they were wide open last night. I didn't sleep any better but the fresh air was lovely,

  18. What a beautiful click... mother's love.

    1. Very comfortable for one, but not for the other.
