Tuesday 5 September 2023

A different world.


We're back in Brighton. A town (city) of culture, youth, beach-life, hen party crowds, occasional noisy football supporters, students, restaurants, and a wonderful multi-cultural (and diverse) population.

At the cultural centre-point of town is the Royal Pavilion (above). Behind it is Kemp Town, and to the front are gardens where people gather, and the wonderful Theatre Royal. 

I do love the simplicity of life in Southern France, but I also love the buzz of our more fast-paced existence in Southern England. The two locations couldn't be more different. When you have a building such as The Brighton Pavilion as an urban centre point, you just know you're somewhere quite special.

Within easy walking distance we have every convenience imaginable. The train station is only a five minute leisurely walk away, central London being just a 50 min ride. All the best stores are nearby; M & S, Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Tesco, etc, are all handy, and yet we live in a remarkably quiet street. Billy is catered for with two dog-friendly gardens where he meets his friends on a daily basis.

All locations have their pros and cons, but I can't think of any cons in Brighton; I'm sounding like an Estate Agent.

We'll miss the peace and quiet of the countryside, but we'll embrace the friendliness and buzz of town. Lady M will be reunited with all her 'gin club' friends, Billy will be stroked by numerous people on his way to the park, and I will again be greeted by school children, the strange Green Lady, and every type and age of character in between. 

When I see the vicar from the nearby church, I always hail him with a hearty "Good morning Father", and he replies in a similar fashion. We shall see urban Foxes, the occasional junkie, and a few rough-sleepers. No-one is aggressive, and there is a mutual respect that is adhered-to by all. 

When we drove into Brighton at about midnight last light, it was still buzzing. We saw groups of clantilly dressed barefooted girls (what DO they do with their shoes?), a gang of Drag Queens, lots of people enjoying late night drinking outside bars, and a Fox. It felt very good to be back!


  1. It all sounds rather wonderful. If I ever get the chance I will have a holiday there. (the lotto fairies need to look my way)

    1. It's a fun town, you have to be prepared to really enjoy yourself.

  2. Only today a report about the weed growth in the paper. I hope your shoeless party goers and we elderly dont trip up or over them!

    1. I wrote about it here some time ago, it's those wretched Green Party people (and Caroline Lucas in particular); they're a menace.

  3. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. Welcome home.

  4. Welcome home Cro, Mrs Cro and Billy. I used to visit my aunt in Kemp Town hundreds of years ago. She used to live next to the church there and I remember the foxes in the churchyard.

    1. We saw the Fox just as we pulled into our garage area, behind the house. I think he was welcoming us home.

  5. Good to hear that you are all safely home.

  6. I thought your description of French life was perfect but now I think I'd rather live in Brighton. The sojourn in your french home every year is just the right contrast. You really do have the best of two worlds.

    1. We love both locations equally, but there's a real rush of excitement when we reach Brighton; especially if we arrive at night.

  7. Well done - you made it back to Blighty!

    1. Good to be back. We're having a lazy day today.

  8. Nice to return to Brighton in good weather. I'm pleased to observe that there were no mishaps on the long journey back... unless you are keeping them quiet!

    1. The 'new' car behaved perfectly, and was a pleasure to drive. No, no mishaps.

  9. Welcome back and you have brought the weather with you. Should help you settle in nicely.

    1. It was very hot travelling up, and it looks like continuing (not quite so hot thank goodness).

  10. Glad your trip was uneventful. Enjoy the settling in.

    1. No 'events' to speak of other than a huge Motor Bike festival that we came across. Bikes everywhere!!!

  11. Well, that all sounds wonderful, Cro. Welcome back!

    1. And the weather is wonderful too, and set to last!

  12. Replies
    1. Brighton really is a fun town, never a dull moment.

  13. Welcome back! Brighton sounds marvellous.

  14. welcome - and you have brought the good weather with you too.

    1. It's hot-n-humid here, we're having a rest day.

  15. We love Brighton. Like most big cosmopolitan towns the pleasure come from embracing absolutely everything. Culture in all it's forms. History, art, sound, rough sleepers, drag queens and shoeless women just add to the painting. I wondered why you would move from that perfect place in France to England, but yep.....this is a special place.

    1. As soon as you enter Brighton (at night) by the coastal road, it is magical. There is an atmosphere like nowhere else.

  16. It's funny how used you get to things isn't it? Before my marriage, I lived 2 streets away from this wonderful building and danced on the Dome stage many, many times in Festivals and my dance company annual show. I didn't actually take it for granted but it was certainly well known to me. The Brighton library and Museum was next door and I spent many happy hours in both. My parents have both passed away now and the Brighton house, in North Laine, has been sold but Brighton will always be a very special place to me. Wonderful memories. Welcome back, Cro.

    1. I can imagine your feelings. We are just uphill from North Laine, in West Hill; just up the road from the clock tower. A really great place to live.

  17. Finding joy and happiness wherever you are is important and you seem quite happy to be in Brighton.

    1. Susan, do you have a blog? If not you should! I would be your first follower.
