Monday 18 September 2023

Dog Party

Saturday was supposed to have been the last of our warm sunny days for a while (we shall see), so a 'Dog Party' was hurriedly arranged for the early evening.

We don't always have time to chat to the other dog walkers, so it was a very pleasant occasion to get to know some of them a bit better. 

I couldn't get a photo that showed the true number of people who attended, but I would estimate about three or four times the number shown above; plus, of course, their dogs.

Everyone took their own preferred drinks. We took wine, others took beer. It was a very jolly affair; we should do it more often.

They're a very nice bunch of people, and it says a lot about them that they could organise such a gathering in such a short time. All dogs were very well behaved; including Billy. Lady M actually heard about the party from a fellow dog-walker down on the beach after lunch. Word travels very fast amongst the dog-owning community.



  1. What a brilliant idea.
    I got to know quite a few dog-walking neighbours during Covid lock-down, but have hardly seen any of them since - they must all be back at work.

  2. What a wonderful idea. Like living in a small village in the middle of the city.

    1. That's exactly what it felt like. A very village atmosphere.

  3. So that's what they mean by the Dog Days of Summer...

  4. Now THAT looks like fun. Great idea!

  5. Replies
    1. It really was, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

  6. Lovely to see that. You can always chat with a dog walker, even if you haven't got a dog. I will take out Billy dog later.

    1. The two best ways to meet people are to go out with a dog or a baby!

  7. It is so nice to get out and be around other people again.

  8. What a great idea! It would be nice to work it in to a more regular event. Maybe next time little party hats for the dogs~

    1. They do get together quite often, I call them 'the five-o-clock club'. Lady M occasionally joins them. No drinks involved.

  9. A great way to meet and make friends.

    1. Dog owners tend to be very friendly. I wonder why!

  10. Dog owners are generally lovely people. Your dog and owner community sounds very congenial. Lately, my community falls short as some dogs and their owners have created conflicts involving the police and even dog hearings. A recent litigation made things worse. Ten years ago we had a much nicer community.

    1. We've had no real problems. Certain drug dealers used the area for selling, but they seem to have gone now. For the moment there are no Bully XL's about, or similar. I could imagine that causing problems.
