Sunday 17 September 2023

A bit of this, and a bit of that.

Saturdays are always my busiest day of the week. I do my main 'out-of-town' shopping for the week, leaving here at 7 am, and returning around 8 am. I take my car.

Yesterday morning the sky was filled with vapour trails mostly going in an East/West-ish direction. It's not normally like that.

Billy had already had his early morning walk, and on the return journey we went through the churchyard. I thought it looked particularly beautiful and quiet; so I took this photo.

Whilst shopping I couldn't resist a Pork Pie for lunch. This particular one is by Dickinson & Morris of Melton Mowbray itself, and was very good. The crust was especially well made.

Later I popped down to The Lanes where one of my favourite shops is based. Yum Yum is an 'Oriental Market', where you can find just about anything that comes from China or The Far East. I am particularly fond of these tinned Pickled Mustard Greens, so invested in several. One was consumed along with the Pork Pie.

We've been back in Brighton for almost two weeks, and I think I'm just about stocked-up with all the goodies I usually have at hand. Even the freezer is well stocked!

This was probably the last warm sunny day for some while, so we tried to make the most of it. There was even an evening 'Dog Party'; but more of that later!


  1. Why make Saturdays your busiest day? Why not a quiet weekday when everybody is at work?

    1. On Saturdays the roads are remarkably quiet, and there are no schoolchildren all over the place. I do sometimes go on a Tuesday, but it takes me far longer.

    2. I sort of had in mind the time of day when people are in the office and children in the classroom. Between 7am and 8am on a weekday would be stupido.

    3. Mid-week it's a nightmare. I could go later, but I'm always anxious to get things done.

  2. I'm wondering why all the vapour trails, is there any way to find out? The pork pie looks yummy, and I don't usually like pork. Maybe I should try one if I can find one here in Adelaide. Meat pies here are the sloppy meat and gravy kind eaten hot and I don't like them. The churchyard looks lovely, a nice place to sit and read or sit and think.

    1. I expect there are 'planes all the time, but certain atmospheric changes make their trails visible. I really don't know. Yes, the churchyard is a lovely spot, and it becomes quite busy on warm sunny lunchtimes.

    2. Yes, it would be like that all the time River. Brighton is only 30 miles from Gatwick Airport and planes flying out south over the coast is normal and the sky is full.

  3. P has a shortcut link on his laptop to Flightradar24 which shows all the aircraft flying overhead at any location. Of course you'll have more down there so it could look quite crowded.

    1. It was seeing all the trails that surprised me, not so much the actual traffic. Being close to Gatwick there are always 'planes about. Luckily we don't hear them.

    2. I used to live around 7 miles from Gatwick back in the days when there were regular early morning outbound VC10 flights. As we were just outside the low-noise zone around the airport the planes went into full throttle mode about where we lived - it was as good as an alarm clock to wake you up.

    3. Back at my native village of Lingfield in Surrey, the noise of the 'planes is now dreadful. When I lived there, up until the age of about 13, we never heard any 'planes at all. I couldn't live there now.

  4. I like the look of that Pork Pie (and that is praise indeed from a Lincolnshire lass.) Like the idea of mustard greens too. I wonder if I can get them round here.

    1. The Mustard Greens are very addictive. They are slightly sweet with a hint of Soy. The cabbage itself is very slightly crunchy. A really haunting flavour.

  5. I also have the Flightradar24 app on my phone.It is quite interesting to see where all the overhead planes are going to and from, and their height etc. We live close to Luton airport and there is a lot of activity here. Often see them from Heathrow, and London City airport too. I always amazes me that I can see a plane that is at 33,000ft plus in the distance, and discover that it is actually over a place that would take nearly an hour to drive to!

  6. PS We don't realise how many are up there until the weather conditions produce the contrails!

    1. Here we often get 'planes circling, waiting for a slot to land. Gatwick is so busy there are often a lot waiting to land.

  7. It's a shame you can't order fork pie online. I've had a passion for it for a long time, even though I've never eaten it.

    1. Pork Pies need to be fresh, I don't know if I'd trust buying one online.

  8. That does look a scrumptious pork pie. Reminds me that I should shortly go to our English butcher in town and buy a couple of his home-made pork pies. He makes excellent pies too, even his meat mince ones are good - plenty of filling and not too much gravy.
    The Churchyard does look very tranquil - but then it should - the occupants are unlikely to be chatty!

    1. I do go on a bit about Pork Pies, but it's only because I think they're underrated as an English speciality. Yes, the churchyard is lovely.

    2. What makes you think they are underrated? I eat them every week as do many other people judging by the number sold in the supermarkets. We just eat them as part of everyday life, with salad and pickles, a normal part of the UK diet. I don't even think of them as a speciality.

    3. Both you and I are discerning gourmets, but I think that the majority simply forget about them, much as they do with Crumpets.

  9. The vapour trails reminds of some we saw over a couple of days in the mountains. They all crossed making a series of X's. Most unusual. I would like to wander that green quiet churchyard.

    1. It's not always as peaceful as in the photo, but it's never crowded.

  10. The plane exhaust if a sign of a change in the weather aloft.

    1. We did have a very short burst of rain just before lunchtime today.

  11. The churchyard is beautiful. Looks like you've settled back in to Brighton beautifully and ease of shopping on weekends is good. Our grocery stores and their parking lots are very busy on weekends. You can also stand in line for 30-40 minutes to get through the check-out.

    1. My supermarket opens at 7 am, and I try to get there as soon as I can after opening. It's probably very busy later on, but when I go it's OK.
