Sunday 22 October 2023

Sunday Lunch (or Supper)

We always eat at table, for breakfast, lunch, and supper. We also insist on a pukka roast on Sundays; preferably with family. These usually involve a Leg of Lamb, a Chicken, or (once a year) a Turkey.

Other than eating something (hopefully) pleasant, it is also a time to discuss family matters, world events, or even personal problems. We get to know each other's preferences and dislikes.

After that first of bottle of Rouge tongues are loosened, and those present speak more openly. It's a great moment to solve the world's, and our own, problems. We have not yet come to blows!

I really do believe that families that eat at table together are fulfilling an important role; especially if there are children in the household. The modern trend to buy a takeaway, and eat it from your knees (whilst watching Eastenders) must be partly responsible for a general decline in good manners and behaviour. 

Tomorrow (today) we have been invited to Kimbo's for Sunday Lunch. We're promised roast Shoulder of Lamb, and lots of Champagne. I can hardly wait.



  1. I remember always eatig at the table and continued that with my own children even after hubby decided he preferred the tv to our conversations. My oldest carried on the tradition as it was part of the tradition of the family she married into also. The rest of the kids don't care so much. As for myself, I still eat at the table but being on my own I don't bother with the Sunday Roast anymore.

    1. On the few occasions I spent time alone (including 2 Christmases) I've still followed my pattern of eating around the table, and the Sunday roast. I'm very stuck in my ways, and it would now seem wrong not to.

  2. We are going to our son's for lunch today, and yet again I shall be horrified, but keep my mouth shut, as the 5 yr old grandson sits at the table with us, but has to have a video on a tablet while he eats!!!

    1. I wouldn't allow the tablet, but would welcome him at the table.

    2. It wouldn't go down very well if I started telling them how to deal with their child! Tablet should def. be a no!

  3. I totally agree about the importance of eating at a table. You will be able to talk about your nervousness in relation to visiting a physiotherapist and get some family feedback.

    1. It's surprising how many people these days don't eat together. I would have hated that.

  4. Agree Cro - and your picture is worth a thousand words.

    1. We shall be repeating the experience in a few hours time. Lovely.

  5. We're going to our son and daughter in law for a roast dinner today too.
    It's to be served at about 3-ish, so I'll be suitably hungry by then!
    We have always eaten at the table, we were both brought up to do that, as was our son, and now his son also sits at the dining table to eat.
    It's 'family' time, no TV, no radio, and definitely no phones or tablets!
    Enjoy your Lamb, we're having Beef. X

    1. I haven't eaten 'Shoulder of Lamb' for decades. Usually it's either Leg or Breast. I'm looking forward to it. He told me NOT to eat any breakfast.

  6. I've seen that photo before Cro - I recognise the tablecloth!
    I mostly eat at the table although I live alone, but very occasionally I eat dinner from a tray on my lap - only if I'm having snack-type food and don't feel like cooking.
    We always ate every meal at the dining table when I was young and never in the kitchen! Eating habits have changed so much these days. I hate going out to restaurants and having to endure people constantly checking their phones, or playing with their tablets!

    1. It's almost a different world these days, and NOT for the better. Eating together is such an important time for families and I do wish they'd all do it around a pukka table; and all at the same time.
