Friday 4 August 2023


It's BBQ and Pizza season. Of the two I much prefer to throw a few steaks, chops, or sausages, on the BBQ, but I'm not averse to making pizzas on occasions.

Pizzas always look much nicer than they really are. More often than not I find them uninteresting. This is one that I made yesterday, and was a case in point. It looked absolutely delicious, but fell slightly short; a tad too much Tomato.

I think too much fuss is made of pizzas. Personally I would rather eat a Pork chop than a Pizza, but at this time of year Pizzas are almost obligatory.

I never make my own bases; life's too short. Usually I firstly spread green Pesto on the shop-bought base before building-up with the Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Anchovies, Olives, etc. But for the one here I used a Tomato Passata base and it became all too Tomatoey (the salad was home-grown).

I am often amazed by young women in supermarkets who buy piles of ready-made, cheap-looking, boxed Pizzas; presumably to feed their children. No doubt this is done as a labour-saving exercise. In fact there is nothing more simple than making your own (as long as you buy ready made Pizza dough bases). About 5 mins preparation, and 20 mins in the oven, and Bob e 'tuo zio.

Everyone has a favourite Pizza topping, and mine starts with green Pesto. If you've never tried it; do so. It gives the finished product an altogether different balance. A thin layer of Pesto, sliced Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Anchovies, and a few black Olives. That's it. No toppings of Pineapple chunks or Mars bar slices for me.

I do like Pizzas (especially my own), however, I'd still prefer a juicy steak or Pork chop. 



  1. I do love a home baked pizza. I add grilled bell peppers, broccoli, and mushrooms to the mix with a tomato-based sauce (although I do love a good pesto). And a happy belated birthday to you Cro!

    1. Thank you AK. I'm more of a traditionalist with my Pizzas (apart from the Pesto). I shall probably make more before the end of Summer, but not too many!

  2. Mars Bar slices? Who does that? I like pizza and make my own, including the dough for the base about 50% of the time. With the frozen shop bought ones I will add a few extra toppings for more flavour. I have never tried the green pesto, I'll make a note to do that next time. According to movies and TV series, I sometimes think that most of the USA eats nothing else but pizza (and icecream) which is ordered and delivered so there is no work inviolved in getting dinner.

    1. I believe this is true, they also eat Hershey Bars and McD's; all other foods are banned in the US.

  3. I am not keen on pizza but have been known to eat a couple of slices when travelling and the eating out budget becomes somewhat straitened.

    1. I think that is a good enough excuse to eat Pizza. If all else fails, etc.

  4. If only they could be made in a microwave!

    1. That would certainly cut the time involved; not sure if it would make them better.

  5. I think one problem is that people don't know what pizzas really are..street food..and eaten fresh as such, they are tasty, straight from a proper wood fired oven...

    1. I did think of building an oven here, but didn't think it would get enough use.

  6. I think of pizza as lumps of flattened dough with some stuff spread on top and I would not complain if I never had another slice of pizza again in my life. "Domino's" regularly push advertising leaflets through our door announcing their latest "deals" which always seem ridiculously expensive to me.

    1. All those Pizza joints are a real rip-off. Pizza is cheap-n-cheerful snack food, not something you pay a fortune for (even if they do offer a free Coke with every 100th Pizza.

  7. We rarely eat pizza now because the base upsets digestive systems, even though I make my own. It's a favourite though and with anchovies even better.
    I do buy ready made pizzas when there is a bargain to be had, 3 for the price of 2 and such. Frozen pizza comes in handy for unexpexcted grandchildren visits . We always add extra toppings, ham, cheese, tomato and once I made them try pineapple just so they know how it tastes, It wasn't a favourite. I like pineapple but I'm not opening a tin just to put a few pieces on one slice.

    1. No Anchovies; no Pizza. I'm afraid Pineapple would never be allowed near a Pizza in this house.

  8. I don't care for pork Cro so its pizza for mw any day and we do have a good pizza outlet in our little town. I love their veggie one (my son is vegetarian and we each have one ) - mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, spring onions, pesto on the base first - lots of mozzarella on top - delicious. I also like the same combination with a topping above all that which I would scatter on - sn,ipped, crisply fried dry cure streaky bacon, (the bacon alone, left in its slices and crisply fried makes a wonderfulquick bacon sandwich between two slices of god bread.)

    1. My Pizzas are always veggie (apart from the Anchovies), I never bother with meaty bits on top.

  9. I love homemade pizza. In fact, that's something my husband asked for twice this summer (I used my small harvest of home grown tomatoes) and both times they were delicious! Like you, I think green pesto is very good as a topping. I also love olives and good quality pepperoni on my mine.

    1. Your lovely looking Toms would be perfect on a Pizza, and the more the merrier.

  10. sorry obviously mean GOOD bread!! God doesn't have much to do with making bread.

    1. With Lammas still fresh in our minds, I think god bread is quite apt.

  11. I do not care for pizza and prefer a good steak on the grill. For my taste, pizza has to much cheese or tomato sauce topping.

    1. I don't like food with too much flavour. A nice juicy steak suits me better as well.

  12. Looks delightful, and you know how to get an oven nice and hot to get a good bake on it.

  13. Pizza is something I can take or leave, though mostly the latter. There's a very nice little café on one of the beaches, that cooks all their food from fresh, and their pizzas are excellent. A friend and I often share one which includes smoked salmon on the topping - quite delicious.
    I have frozen pizza base, from Lidl, in the freezer, but keep forgetting to use it, mainly because it's too much for one. There's an unopened jar of green pesto in the cupboard too!

    1. I always buy the fresh rolled-up pizza dough; made by Herta I think. It's the right size and cooks well. The last time I had a restaurant Pizza was about 30 years ago. I went with a friend and he proceeded to cut his Pizza into tiny pieces and left it. Bonkers! It was actually very good.

  14. I do believe there are as many tastebuds out there as there are ways to make a pizza. I doubt two people agree on exactly the right amount of this or that. Fun to ponder though and taste test.

    1. I like to taste what I'm eating, and not have an overpowering dominant flavour; which was a bit what happened with the above. But I'm very exacting when it comes to food!
