Thursday 3 August 2023

Does your car have a name?

My last car to have a name was an Orange Renault 4 called Gina. She was named after the French fizzy Orange pulp drink called Orangina. I have always liked Orangina; in the bad old days, after a few too many sherbets it was the best hangover cure imaginable. A litre of very cold Orangina and one was back to fighting fit almost instantly. I soon had Gina re-sprayed beige, but the name remained.

With the current Compact Royce Mark 2, I hadn't considered giving her a name, but recently I saw that she was telling me in no uncertain terms that she did indeed already have a name; and that she was called Debi.

I think her name suits her. She/He's certainly not a Jim or a Fauntleroy, nor is she/he a Camilla Veronica or Barbie. Debi sounds reliable, compact, economical, and comforting. She is not to be messed with either; her exterior dark mean looks hide a soft and relaxed interior.

Yes, Debi it is.  


  1. A friend's car was called Henry Coupe, which I thought was great.

    1. Very good. Cooper would have been flattered.

  2. It's years ago when I last named a car, but with driving conditions on our roads so bad, pot holes and stupid drivers, my car is not the joy it once was.

    1. In which case maybe you should call it 'you'.

  3. My car is called Clint. I suspect that if he ever met Debi, she would soon be "with child" - squeezing a Fiat 500 from her hatchback.

    1. Clint sounds like a randy old s*d. I'm pleased to see that naming cars is still out there.

  4. I don't think I've ever given any of my cars a name. As long as I can remember where it's parked, that good enough for me!
    (It's a Peugeot, by the way.)

    1. I stick to Peugeot these days; it makes sense.

  5. None of our cars ever had names but a friend had an old second hand car she named Jemima and Jemima refused to start her motor until she heard all the seat belts click into place. then if we were going uphill we all had to lean forward to "help".

    1. My mother had an old car that needed encouragement to get up hills. We all used to rock to and fro to help it along.

  6. I purchased a beautiful but older Mercedes-Benz with very low mileage a few years ago. My friends named her "Maudie NuNu" I have no idea why. Maudie was an expensive minx to maintain and keep in a manner to which she was accustomed. She was also rear wheel drive and cranky to maneuver in snow. Not a good personality trait to have in this part of the world. Perhaps if she had been named Camilla or Veronica we might have got on better. I now drive a nameless but very dependable jeep.

    1. How very brave of you to have an 'older' Merc; they're lovely cars but the upkeep can be very pricey. Strange name too.

  7. Ours is a Volkswagen, so we named him Karl-Heinz.

    1. What can I say; that's the perfect name! My very first car was a white Beetle.

  8. I've never named a car of mine. Now the sailboats always have names including: Audacity, Bren, and Harmony.

    1. I've never owned a boat, but they always seem to have very inventive names.

  9. My VW is the Pandawagon - a massive stuffed Panda is permanently in the back seat, before this was Max the blue Whale, before that was Big Red - a massive Cadillac Eldorado.

    1. It sounds like you're upholding the good old tradition of name-giving. Well done!

  10. Our last car was The Gold Brick( gold coloured Berlingo) the latest green one hasn't been named

    1. Not all cars need a name, but some are just crying-out for one.

  11. I didn't get it when I looked at thoe humber plate - I am having one of those slow on the uptake days.

  12. I could use name suggestions for my beloved, bright red, Toyota Scion. Any ideas, Cro and friends?

    1. Keiko is a good luck Japanese girl's name, so how about that? K-Ko.

  13. Only one of my cars has had a name. Her number plate was AMY.....
