Monday 19 June 2023

Too much of a good thing?

Mushroom hunting is high up amongst my favourite pastimes.

Since we've been back, not a day has gone by when the woods have not provided a really good crop of Girolles (Cantharellus cibarius).

To me the most interesting part of my current mushrooming exploits is that I seem to have the woods to myself. Previously, even if I'd gone out at half-light, I might have found a new neighbour or two scratching about and taking every single Girolle in sight. The newcomers seemed even more fanatical than us long-term residents. I think that this year the novelty of 'foraging' must have worn off. 

Girolles make great omelettes, as of course do Cèpes (Boletus edulis). I have found just three Cèpes this year so far, but all were too old to be eaten; it hasn't really been their season.

Most mushrooms are best brushed clean (hence the little brush at the end of my mushrooming knife), but Girolles need to be washed under running water. Earth gets between the gills and needs to be washed out. This results in the mushrooms becoming gorged with water, which, when cooking, needs to be evaporated before the actual frying process can begin. 

This (below) was the result of yesterday morning's foray. A lovely lunch-time treat.



  1. I have never washed a mushroom of any kind. I may have inadvertently ingested a lot of dirt over the years.

    1. It's the rain hitting the soil that causes the underneath to become dirty. They're always like that.

  2. I can imagine they must be a taste explosion. It has been many years since I've had the flavour in a mushroom of those that we collected as kids.

    1. They are delicious. Perfect in an omelette. I think we had more mushroom than egg; just how I like it.

  3. Do you sing "The Mushroom Forager's Song" when you are searching in the woods?
    "Oh I am the mushroom man
    I pick as many as I can
    Looking here and looking there
    There are mushrooms everywhere!
    With a fol-de-riddle and a fol-de-ree
    I'm the mushroom man - yes that's me!"

    1. Have you been spying on me? Yes, of course I sing that song, it encourages the mushrooms to grow!

  4. Looks perfect to me - I love mushroom omelette. My carer bought me an omelette maker for Christmas - makes lovely mushroom omelettes - mushrooms, a large knob of butter, and a handful of finely chopped parsley - yum! and eggs of course!

    1. The perfect simple lunch, and so much better when the mushrooms are FREE.

  5. Looks scrumptious.
    The supermarket I frequent sells various mushrooms, all parcelled up in plastic. They just don't look the same, and I doubt they have much flavour

  6. YUM! That looks really delicious, Cro.

  7. You must be pleased that your neighbors have no interest in mushrooms. Having a guaranteed harvest is great. The omelette looks delicious.

    1. I now needn't rush off at 6 am, I can go in the afternoon and still find a bag-full.

  8. I love mushrooms and used to go with a friend in the forests of Berlin. He knew what he was doing but in any case you could take your haul to a pharmacy and they would tell you waht was edible if you were in doubt.

    1. Our pharmacies offer that service too. I don't think it would work at Boots!

  9. Your omelet looks delicious. I love the idea of foraging for the ingredients to make a meal. Picking my tomatoes for a sandwich doesn't quite cut it...
