Sunday 18 June 2023

A Garden Tour.

I suppose our garden is probably at its best at the moment. The grass has been mowed, the climbing plants all cut back, and general tidying has been achieved.

This (below) is the pump house for the pool, there are three steps down amidst palms and roses. I designed the building to look a bit like a small Pigeon tower; it has aged quite well. 

Lady M bought this beautiful blood red rose a couple of years ago. It's a climber, but hasn't climbed too much so far. It sits amongst a load of Day lilies, with Greengages hanging down amongst them all. It's getting a bit swamped.

And lastly our 'front door', beside which is a big red Oleander which is just coming into flower, and yet more Day lilies.

This is probably the best time of year for flowers. The garden actually looks quite nice!



  1. Looks very tropical. Be nice when the pool warms up. Hope your cold has gone now.

    1. Yes, we're well over our colds, they didn't last too long thank goodness. Pool now at around 25 C; acceptable.

  2. It's very nice, almost a jungle in the planted areas.

    1. I love 'jungle'. Lots of interesting foliage and flowers is my idea of heaven.

  3. A very green and colourful garden. A joy to behold

  4. It looks quite beautiful. I love flowers and colour in the garden; the more the merrier.

    1. I'm not really a flower gardener, but I do like a jungly garden, with lots of interesting foliage and flowers.

  5. Beautiful, it all looks so lush, and inspires me to make a trip to the garden centre to see what I can find! I'm still living with a garden designed for three very active dogs, though the new girl manages to get up a good speed on the gravel.

    1. 'Easy Maintenance' gardens are good in some ways, but very frustrating in others. I rather enjoy all the work when we're here, and miss it when we're back in Brighton with our teeny patio.

  6. I feel short changed Crozier as I know there is much more to the Magnon estate! Could we have Garden Tour Part Two?

  7. It's a gorgeous garden. I'm drawn to gardens with plenty going on. I'm also hoping you'll continue to post pictures.

  8. Replies
    1. Very different to our tiny Brighton garden.

  9. A wonderful time to be in an amazing place, enjoy every day of it.

  10. Your garden looks delightful Cro and those greengages moreish - are they ripe yet?

    1. I reckon they'll be ready for eating and bottling around 6th July. They're swelling nicely, and very few bugs in them.

  11. You have a lovely collection of flowering plants. Everything is thriving and very beautiful. It is like an oasis!
