Sunday 4 June 2023

There's always something!

Other than finding that our gardener is a total waste of space, we also found that our bath/shower wasn't draining away.

Below is the man that deals with such things, and he came almost at once. He emptied the fosse, and blasted all the pipes. Everything now works again.

As I was unable to take my shower here yesterday, I went up to the barn instead. Guess what? The water wasn't draining away up there either. So up I went with my trusty plunger and extracted about a kilo of hair from the drain. Yuk!

What a nice man he was. This (below) is his lorry, he came about two years ago to do much the same thing. 

We now have to try to find the cause of all the trouble which sounds as if it's some de-greasing chamber which he fears is probably rock sold with gunge. I have no idea where it is.

Life's never simple. Not for us anyway! Looks like we'll be having a whole new system next year.

I had a swim yesterday. The water was 20 C, and freezing. Lady M followed my example.


  1. Step 1: never allow hair to go down the drains.
    Step 2: get that de-greasing whatever fixed, emptied, cleaned, whatever they do with it.
    Step 3: enjoy the rest of your time in France.

    1. Step 1 I can guarantee, as I have very little left. Step 2 not too sure. Step 3 I certainly will!

  2. I am always in trouble for clogging the shower drain with my hair . It seems to fall out by the bucket load.

    1. I'm surprised my daughter-in-law has any hair left after seeing the amount I pulled out.

  3. I hope you both wore your armbands, goggles and rubber swimming caps when you went in. Was there a lifeguard on duty?

    1. Yes me! I would have had to saved myself. I'll probably have another swim today; I don't like to miss a day.

  4. Content yourself by knowing that if the pool was in Brighton it wouldnt be as warm as that. A couple of days and you (and the newly filled pool) will both be acclimatised.

    1. We'll swim again today, it's already reached 21 C. One more degree than yesterday!

  5. There are always bumps in the road for a second home - glad we sold ours.

    1. Nothing but problems, but we still love it here.

  6. I wonder if the fact that you hadn't used the house for a while had caused the contents of the fosse to solidify?
    Haven't checked the pool water lately, but a few days ago it was slowly creeping up to an acceptable (for me) temperature, about 23ยบ. I'll wait a couple of more degrees before I take the plunge. When I do, it will be interesting to see the reaction of my new dog - she loves to lean over and look at the water and follows me everywhere.

    1. Billy does the same, but doesn't jump in. In Brighton he goes into the sea, but only up to his stomach. I've just had a swim; I did my usual 10 lengths, it was 21 C.

  7. Oh boy. We've had clogging problems this week. Probably not hair but the drains are going to blasted with a stream of water. Hope it does the trick.
    Something always seems to need fixing

    1. It's good to know that others have the same problem. You have my sympathy.

  8. Tips from my plumber: A few years ago, a plumber told me to never to wash cooking oils down the drain because, over time, oil causes blockage. I now wipe oils from pots and pans before a wash in the dishwasher. Also, one guest room bathroom shower had no hot water and the plumber said lack of regular use can cause the valve to freeze and then require replacement.

    1. My cooking oils go down a hole in the garden. Everything around it is thriving; gawd knows how!!!

    2. Doesn't that attract critters? We'd have black bear in the back yard, ripping things apart to get to the smell of cooking.

    3. No, I always did a deep hole and return the oil to whence it came. I think it disappears very quickly.
