Monday 5 June 2023

Sunday Lunch.

It was the Fêtes des Mères (Mothers Day) here in France yesterday. The day when all dutiful sons and daughters take their mothers out for lunch.

As we have no offspring here with us, the duty of preparing a decent lunch fell to me. Asparagus is in season, so that was first on the list. Cherries and Strawberries are also plentiful, so we had to have some of those. A little salad never goes amiss. And I also treated myself to a cheap tin of sardines.

The sun was shining, there was a slight breeze to cool the 27 C heat, and the buzzing of Crickets kept us entertained as we ate.

In the morning we'd visited nearby Cazals market; one of the best in the region. Everything came from there. 

Two new restaurants have opened nearby, so we'll soon be busy sampling their fares. I can hardly wait.



  1. Replies
    1. The asparagus was lovely, and I put halved strawberries in the salad which was delish.

  2. That's the good life! I love asparagus, I'll look out for some fresh in the supermarket. It's not grown locally

    1. Lots of it is grown around here, and it is high season. Best to take advantage.

  3. A feast fit for Mother's Day - it looks lovely.
    I have some asparagus in the fridge - must remember to eat it!

    1. Gosh, you really should eat it on the day it's picked.

  4. "Treated myself" to a tin of cheap sardines? Don't you mean you treated Lady Magnon to them! By the way those unfortunate sardines had mothers too.

    1. I love cheap sardines, whether they have mothers or not. A little chilli sauce on them makes them even better.

  5. Looks like a delightful summer lunch.

    1. And we've just had a similar one today. It's hot here (27 C), so I'm off for a swim.

  6. Happy Mothers day to Lady M. Your special lunch looks excellent and prepared to perfection with love.
