Thursday 13 April 2023

Truth will always out.

People in the UK will have both seen and heard about some really disgusting recent advertising from The Labour Party (above). 

The adverts attempt to slur the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, by suggesting that he doesn't want paedophiles to go to prison. Nothing could be further from the truth, and a huge backlash has already begun against Sir Keir Starmer and the nastier Socialists. You simply cannot go around telling blatant lies.

The truth of the matter is that back in 2018 The Sentencing Council, of which Sir Keir Starmer was a member, suggested that not all child sex abusers should go to prison. Sir Keir Starmer, who had also been Director of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), was a senior member of this illustrious institution when it established the new guidelines. 

Most of their own supporters have had enough of this blatant misinformation; including shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, who was said to be furious. No-one is happy about puerile slur campaigns; even Gary Lineker described the poster as 'awful'!

However, Emily Thornberry MP, as one of Starmer's most loyal and devoted supporters, has defended the poster campaign (and Starmer himself), but possibly, not having a good memory, she forgot that she'd chastised him back in 2012, when she asked him to 'reconsider' his new 'weakened' guidelines about sexual crime; and rape in particular. Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions at the time.

However, Starmer is sticking by his poster, and digging an even bigger hole for himself in the process. 

This man could well become our next Prime Minister. We expect 'slurs' from the Left, but one of this magnitude is unforgiveable. 

I'll leave you with this one extra thought. Just over a year ago, The Labour Party voted AGAINST the whole 'Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill' (see above). This Tory bill concerned increasing sentencing for rapists, sex offenders, child killers, etc. Who was opposition leader at the time? Yes, Sir Keir Starmer. Luckily the Tories got the bill through, regardless of Labour's lack of support.

His poster needs to be re-written, and replace Rishi's name with Starmer's. Nasty man, and nasty campaign!


  1. As a lifelong Labour supporter, I must say that I do not like this kind of personalised finger-pointing approach to campaigning. It is the sort of tactic we have come to expect from The Tories who, for example, portrayed Tony Blair as a horned demon with red eyes. However, we must not get the ad about Sunak out of proportion which is of course what "The Daily Mail" and "The Daily Express" have sought to do.

    1. We don't mind normal party v party banter, but occasionally it goes too far, especially in this case where we now find that totally the wrong person was accused.

    2. p.s. re Blair. One has to remember that because of his blatant lying about Iraqi WMD's, around A MILLION lives were lost. I would call that a tad 'devilish'.

    3. The Tories depicting Tony Blair with altered features is in the realms of the great historical cartoons of James Gillray and Hogarth.
      The Labour advert really does display the party in all it's pernicious glory.
      There's a whiff of adding to their anti-semetic stance

  2. This demonstrates just how dirty politics can be. Your unveiling is important and the public needs to take note.

    1. I've assembled facts that were already out there, but probably not known about by everyone.

  3. The trouble is that most people accept what they read or are told without question. A small grain of truth seems to be sufficient to sustain the most appalling stances.
    I suppose a completely honest and open politician would not get very far, if even s/he were to be elected in the first place.
    I despair, but at least Starmer isn't Corbyn.

    1. It's also worth remembering that Starmer supported Corbyn's election as party leader, and has now booted him out of the party. But as you say, we'd all rather have Starmer than Corbyn. What were they thinking!

  4. You ask 'what were they thinking'?
    They weren't!

    1. I also forgot to mention that when Starmer stopped the deportation of 50 really nasty criminals (human rights) to Jamaica, one went on to murder, several went on to deal in Cocaine and Heroin, and most of the others just committed every day crimes like burglary, shoplifting, extorsion, exploitation, thuggery, etc. Nothing too nasty for Starmer, I suppose.

  5. Do the crime, do the time, politics be damned.
    Smear campaigns ought to be punishable.
