Thursday 13 April 2023


Since Billy first started holidaying in England a couple of years ago, he has made some really good friends.

Some are real characters; as characterful as many of Brighton's human residents. I won't try to describe the others because without a photo it would mean nothing.

However, Billy's oldest friend is Bob. We have always called him 'Two Balls Bob' (no sniggering), on account of his permanently having two tennis balls in his mouth. He will go nowhere without them.

I was talking to his owner yesterday (we talk almost daily), and she told me that Bob is a Londoner. He was abandoned, and Mrs Bob thinks that he might have been used as a fighting dog; or certainly as a guard dog, and probably badly abused.

Anyway, here is Bob with his mouth stuffed with Tennis Balls. Like Billy he is a well loved character in our little corner of the world. Everyone says hello to him, the school children from the local Primary School call out to him when he goes by, and everyone in the park stops to stroke him. 

It'll be a very sorry day when Bob's no longer with us. The world won't be the same.


  1. Elsie had a best friend. A Yorkie who had the personality the size of a bus. Sadly, she can't go to the same park anymore so we've lost contact.

    1. Some dogs have huge characters. They make our lives so much more fun.

  2. It's lovely how dogs develop such friendships among themselves. I remember it from the many years there were also dogs here.

    1. Billy now has good friends here as well as in France. He loves travelling between to two countries (I think) to meet-up with them again.

  3. Dogs are amazing and we are the richer for knowing them. We meet lots of dogs, know their names but not the names of their owners. Some owners we have 'known' for 30 or 40 years and commiserated or congratulated them through the various lives of their dogs.

    1. I'm the same, I know the dogs names but not the owners. My wife makes a point of asking their names and mentions them to me, but I have no idea who she's talking about.

  4. It is good to learn that, despite Bob's violent past, he now has a peaceful and affectionate environment.

    1. He's a lovely boy now, but his owner said it took a lot of work.

  5. It's distressing the way some dogs (and other animals) are treated. They are such loyal creatures and deserve all our care and love.
    Our first Lab. could sniff a tennis ball out at 100 paces, and on our walks we rarely came home with less than one and often two, which he proudly carried in his mouth!

    1. We also had a Lab', so I know what you mean. Monty would also bring back 'sticks', some over 6ft long.

  6. I guess that Bob would reply with a cheery "Hello!" but how can he when he has got his balls in his mouth?

  7. Bobs a beaut. He has a real mouthful there!

    1. I've just been playing with him. He's very special.
