Monday 17 April 2023

The Black Car Club.

I've never really thought too much about car colours. My mother had a penchant for pale Blue, but I've never really had a preference myself.

I do know that I hate Orange cars, and have managed to own TWO; one of which I had re-sprayed.

Otherwise I have tended to buy Silver, simply because it reflects the heat of Summer; which in France can be quite severe. 

However, since having to buy a new car last September, I've noticed that most cars around here are Black. My son has a big Black car, and I now have a small Black car. Most of the cars in my road seem to be Black (above). Down in front of our house there is a big Black Tesla, and another Black one which I think may be Japanese.

Black absorbs heat, so maybe this is a conscious decision to attract warmth. Otherwise Black is the colour of depression, funerals, and evil; not qualities one would normally wish to associate with travel

I'm very happy with my new Black car. I may not be quite so happy through the summer, but that remains to be seen.

What I do know is that they look very smart when washed and polished.



  1. My favourite car our family owned was the only black one they owned. A 1950s Humber or Hillman Minx - something like that. I was in tears the day my dad sold it.

    1. Sadly both makes of car have long gone. What a shame.

  2. If you look closely my car is Very Dark Blue and smart when clean. Curse the seagulls!

    1. That sounds like 'Honorary Black' with white highlights!

  3. We once had an orange car. They really stick out, especially on a small island. I read recently that silver/grey cars are the safest to drive. They're involved in fewer accidents. Bit strange.
    Our last two cars have been dark green.

    1. I hated my orange cars. I cannot think what made me buy one; TWICE.

    2. That's interesting - my car is silver grey, according to the log book, though it looks more blue metallic.

  4. My car is charcoal grey. Almost black.

    1. I'm sure you'd allowed an 'Associate Membership'.

  5. I think the lady in your previous post is climbing out of a black car....

    1. Or was about to be bundled into the back of one.

  6. Most of the cars anywhere these days are black, grey, silver or white. Drive down any street or in a car park and see!. I insisted that my most recent ( used) car was red, and my OH has just changed cars and got a red one! I sometimes play a " game" when I am a passenger on a journey, counting the number of cars going the other way that have no " colour". The highest score so far is 28 !

    1. We seem to have a lot of 'supercars' here in Brighton, and their young, obviously over-paid, owners have a love of bright, garish, day-glo, colours. I suppose it's just so we don't miss them as they roar by.

  7. We recently changed from a grey car to an acid yellowy green metallic that the manufacturers call dragon skin. Not a colour we would have chosen but it met every other requirement and we have no trouble spotting it in a car park.

    1. That is the problem with black or silver cars; you can never find them!!!

  8. I have at present a blueish bottle green Berlingo...which you think would disappear in the spring greenery..but actually stands out nicely.
    The worst cars are grey/silver....which disappear from visibility on a grey road, on a grey misty day, especially when driven without lights!

    1. Caravans should always be that 'blueish bottle green', but of course they always come in white.

  9. Our cars are silver. I hate white cars, though we have had two or three. My favourite was bright yellow.

    1. White, to me, is even worse than orange. I quite like my cars to blend in with all the others.

  10. My husband's 'big beast' is Firenze Red, but my little Smart car is black!
    Our son's just ordered a new car, it's metallic electric blue! X

    1. Some cars suit bright colours; others are best hidden.

  11. I never really paid much attention to color, I did turn down a green car once (1994 Accord.)

  12. I do like black cars.. Nobody knows when I buy my new car because the make, model and color are the same. Air conditioning keeps the car cool on a hot Summer day.

    1. I haven't tried the A/C yet in my new car.

  13. The farmer always had black cars, always updated every three years when the warranty ran out and always washed them every Friday morning before going to the Auction Mart,

    1. He sounds like a very meticulous man. Mine gets washed regularly every Spring.

  14. I drive a tiny Skoda citigo in red. My cars were always red, except for a turquoise Fiat many years ago. The reason is that there are usually one or two colours you can choose which cost nothing extra, while you have to pay more for all the popular colours. The turquoise one was a used car, and it was so cheap I bought it regardless of the colour.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. I don't think I could go as far as 'Turquoise', but red is good; especially on a Ferrari.

  15. Red has always been my favourite colour for many things - including cars - I've had at least four or five. My latest Peugeot is silver grey, but the three cars before that were all red.
    My father had Rovers for many years and they always seemed to be the same shade of grey, no matter that the model changed. My mother and I used to joke that they kept a tin of paint specially for him!
