Sunday 16 April 2023

Talking to Egypt; Lord, what a palaver!


Lady Magnon has been living with an iPad and an old Nokia phone. They suited her OK, but she felt that they were a bit 'old fashioned'.

So, she plumped for a new iPhone 12, and young Kimbo came to her assistance (he knows all about buying and setting-up such things).

The phone was ordered, and arrived the following day. 

THEN, oh my gawd; it all began. New numbers, codes, passwords, identity numbers, photo ID, you name it; they wanted it. The poor Kimbo was nearly tearing his hear out before he'd fixed it all; and all via a very long conversation with a nice girl in Egypt.

I can't tell you the ins and outs of why it was so complicated, but it involved the billing and change of number. 

Things are not designed to be easy these days; just make sure you have a cyber-wise son or daughter around.

By late afternoon all was fixed, but oh my goodness!


  1. It can be a trial indeed.
    I am very surprised that the old number was not carried on.the usual practice these days.

    1. I think it was because he bought the phone online rather than directly through the phone Co.

  2. I've had the same phone number since my first mobile phone in 1999. They can transfer it to your new phone so you don't have to learn a new one nor inform all your "people" of the change.

    1. It was different Co's and different suppliers, and a few other things. It all seemed so simple originally, then turned into a farce.

  3. Oh dear. I think I shall stick with what I have now.

    1. After several hours I think both Lady M and Kimbo thought the same.

  4. When I had a new phone, and changed to Giff Gaff a few years ago, it took about 2 weeks to get it all working! ( GG is really good.....I pay £6 per month and it does everything I need!)

  5. Does KImbo's wife know that he has been chatting up a nice girl in Egypt? Is she called Cleopatra? (The Egyptian lass I mean - not Kimbo's wife!)

    1. He had her on 'speaker' so I could hear all the conversation. She was certainly more efficient than most Asians I've had to deal with, and she spoke with a very clear, slightly American (Irish/Scottish) accent. I did notice he got quite 'pally' with her.

    2. Sounds like Kimbo takes after his father with regard to flirtation.

  6. Here you can keep the same number even if you change providers. Saves having to remember a new number and give it to all your contacts.

    1. That would normally be the case here too, but he bought it online to save a few quid, and the service provider (who would normally have provided the phone) didn't like it for some reason.

    2. Shouldn't have made any difference

  7. I am hoping I don't have to make too many more phone updates.

    1. Especially not as complicated as ours was.

  8. When my phone quit sometime back, I spent a lot of time on my home phone trying to get it all sorted. Quite honestly, I was living in dread to have to figure out a new device. Luckily, it was brought back from the brink of death.

    1. They make things so complicated when they should be so simple.

  9. An evening at the pub sounds like a good reward for all Kimbo's good work.

    1. He's on his way for Tea and Cake; that'll have to do for today!

  10. When I was scammed a couple of weeks ago my son was on the phone all morning to BT - they were marvellous. But without my son to help me I would have given up for ever,

    1. Sons (with knowledge) are a true blessing. Mine goes beyond all expectations.
