Saturday 22 April 2023

More Spring.

You know it's Spring when the birds take mouthfuls of dried grasses up into the trees.

But an even better sign is when you see Lambs or Fox cubs cavorting in the fields.

This photo was taken this afternoon behind the church. I think there are 3 cubs in the photo, but I did see 4; as well as their mum.

What cuties; I could have watched them all afternoon.

Whilst there I beckoned over to a woman with two small girls who were walking past. She probably thought I was some kind of pervert, but when they all saw the cubs, they were thrilled. I don't make a habit of such things, but it was such an opportunity for the girls to see nature in the raw.

Not much of a photo I'm afraid, but my kit is very basic!



  1. We watched a hedgehog scuttling around our garden last week. He (she/they?) had obviously decided it was spring too.

    1. It' so good to see wildlife around us. These cubs are right in the middle of town.

  2. Excellent. I'd have done the same. Not that we have foxes on the Island but we have plenty of other wildlife.

    1. PS I think it's a very sad reflection on humanity when we have to think so seriously about the possibility of being misunderstood in such circumstances.

    2. I once recued a small boy from two nasty farm dogs, and drove him home. I was on my way to a dinner party at the time, and when I related the story there were gasps of horror from the English people present. They all said 'You wouldn't dare do that in England'.

  3. Fox cubs are adorable. I'm sure the Mum and her girls appreciated you pointing out the cubs. That said, we do live in odd times, driven by fear, mistrust and violence. In the US, recently a young man mistakenly went to the wrong home and the homeowner shot him. Next, a few cheerleaders, in their costumes, mistakenly went to the wrong car and again a gun was shot. What has the world come to?

    1. Shoot first and ask questions later is the saddest part of a gun toting society. Gun laws are very strict here in the UK, but still people are shot regularly. Mostly drug gang related.

  4. It's a sad world when you have to think twice before speaking to a child, in case your actions are misconstrued.
