Sunday 23 April 2023



Yesterday morning I found this bike. I presume it had been stolen and dumped. There was no-one around so I wheeled it home, and tried to contact the police to report it as 'Lost Property', or 'Stolen Property'.

I should have known! The police are not in the slightest bit interested in small crimes such as this; they don't even prosecute shoplifters these days. It really makes me wonder what they do all day in their huge new headquarters; other than hand-out speeding fines to motorists.

It's quite a nice bike. It's not an expensive model and on the front it simply says 'PROFESSIONAL CYCLES'. 

On the police web site is says to try to find the owner (are they joking?), contact the people on who's property it was found (the church!), or take it down to the police station (about three miles away). 

No, what I expect is for them to take details, and wait to see if someone reports it missing. Is that too much to ask? That's how such things were always done! If I had had a bike stolen, I would contact the police, but if they won't even take its details how would you ever expect someone to find it again.

We already have two very good quality bikes in the garage, so I really don't want another one.

So, if anyone wants a simple men's red bike, in good nick, just call Cro! Otherwise, I shall simply wheel it somewhere nearby and attach a label saying 'FREE to a good home'.


  1. I suppose you could take a photo of the bike and create a "Found" flier with your phone number or email included to contact you if someone wants to claim it. Hmm..but then you would need proof of ownership.

    1. I did think of posting a picture on Facebook, but such things are open to abuse. I will probably put it out somewhere and hope that someone needs a bike.

  2. You may have nicked the curate's bike.
    Speeding tickets are randomly computer generated these days. If you get one then ignore it.
    The Police do things. In Dundee some drive about in Rainbow wrapped cars encouraging perverts and other loons.

    1. I did make sure there was no-one around. It was very much 'dumped'. They have the rainbow squad cars here too, but in Brighton we don't take too much notice.

  3. "Professional Cycles" might mean it is one of those that are used by anyone to get from one location to another and then left for someone else to use. So possibly not stolen at all. I could be wrong though, and I would just take it back to where you found it and leave it there. The owner may have been in the church or church yard and is now wondering who took his bike.

    1. I have now put it outside, and it's already gone. I hope whoever has it enjoys it.

  4. In this area a "found" bike would be put on the local facebook groups and any lost property is dealt with by the " town hall". I agree that you should take it back to where you found it.

    1. It's not easy to be a good citizen these days, but at least someone now has a free bike.

  5. Are you living in the nineteen fifties? You don't report stolen bikes to cop stations. A cop station is for sending memos from one department to another, attending courts and for guffawing about pornographic images on mobile phones. Please don't interrupt their important work.

    1. My last dealing with the cops was with a 'Community Policeman'. He gave me a poster to put on my back gate saying CCTV Surveillance in Operation. The very next day they took the camera away!

  6. The bike was taken this morning but has now been returned. I'm beginning to realise why it was dumped.

  7. We had the same experience here last summer. Someone took a brand new men's mountain bike and threw it off a bridge. I waded out and rescued it. It was advertised on a local Facebook page. I called the police after we deal days. Several days after that someone showed up to get it.

  8. Might be worth taking it to the local smaller bike shop...not to sell, but the owner might look there..I am surprised that the police were not interested as they still have auctions of lost and stolen steeds
